Chapter 11: Drunken Blues

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[Potentially triggering content on some parts!]



"Right, then, has everyone got their shots ready?" Freddie's voice rang out, drawing our attention. We nodded in unison, our eyes locked on him.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Freddie posed the first question, his voice lowering as if sharing a secret. Laughter bubbled up as he whispered to John, who erupted into mirth as he answered and then tossed back his shot with relish.

"Well, that's definitely got to be Roger," his shoulders convulsed in laughter as he tried to return his shot glass on top of the table.

The room erupted into amusement with the way John answered, but Roger, always quick to defend his honor, raised an eyebrow. "What's so funny about me?"

"That's the fun of the game, dear," Freddie replied with a twinkle in his eye, gesturing towards Roger's now-empty shot glass that sat accusingly on the table.

Roger, ever the good sport, quickly downed another shot and theatrically slammed the glass back down. "There," he grumbled.

John, still chuckling, relished in revealing Freddie's scandalous question. "Who's most likely to accidentally leak his own sex tape?" he announced with a grin.

Roger burst into laughter at the absurdity of the question. "Oh, you wanker!" he exclaimed between laughs, shaking his head at the playful jab.

Freddie wasted no time, filling the three empty shot glasses as the room echoed with our shared amusement. Despite John's attempt to whisper the next question to Brian, his own laughter overpowered him, delaying the game for a while.

Once the laughter subsided a bit, Brian joined in with a mock-serious tone. "Well, we all know who that would be!" He pointed a teasing finger at Roger. "Roger," he declared, punctuating it with a shot and a grimace at the strong drink.

"Why's it always me?" Roger protested in mock outrage, downing yet another shot with a grin that betrayed his amusement.

"He asked which one of us had the ugliest feet knowing damn well about your toes," Brian cackled.

"Stop bullying me about my toes," a sour expression appeared on Roger's face. I wouldn't have known with his pretty face. Not like it was anything of a deal, but I assume this has been a topic in one of their group conversations.

"That's so mean!" I chimed in, causing Roger pull me into a playful tight hug.

Brian started to whisper to Roger for his turn, a naughty look in his face as Roger paused to consider his answer.

"Hmm, I reckon that's Freddie," Roger smirked, his eyes glimmering with amusement before bursting into laughter and taking his shot.

"That's alright. I'd rather not know," Freddie shrugged confidently, his demeanor unshaken despite the teasing.

As the game rolled on, it was soon my turn. Roger leaned in with a cheeky grin. "Now, who'd you snog in the band?" he whispered. He barely contained his giggles as he asked me.

The unexpected question caught me off guard, prompting a playful push against Roger's shoulder. This exchange drew the attention of the others, who leaned in eagerly awaiting my response. Drawing Roger back in, I leaned closer and whispered into his ear, "Brian," then quickly downed my shot with a grimace. "Oh, that hurts my throat," I winced, eliciting a chuckle from Freddie.

Roger's dramatic gasp heightened the suspense, "But the rule is, you have to say it out loud."

"Brian," I finally announced.

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