Chapter 37: The Happy Box

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"Are you nervous?" I asked, cradling the telephone receiver with a delicate grip, my voice barely above a whisper as if speaking too loudly might shatter the fragile courage we both clung to.

"My heart's pounding, my love. What if they don't approve of it?" Brian's voice was a blend of apprehension and earnestness, the kind that made my heart ache with the tenderness of his vulnerability.

"Bri, we're twenty-three," I chuckled softly, attempting to lighten the mood. "They can't do much about it, can they? We're grown-ups."

"You just turned twenty-three and you're suddenly the wisest person in the world, aren't you?" he teased. "I want them to like me, you know?" 

"I know, I know," I sighed. "But believe me, my love, they like you already. A lot. So get your arse in your trousers and get here early, alright?" I giggled, hoping the lightness in my voice would soothe his worries, even when I was extremely worried myself.

"What should I wear then?"

"Just be yourself," I replied, imagining his usual charming dishevelment that I found so endearing. "The usual, I suppose? Although..." I trailed off, a mischievous smile playing on my lips.

"Although..." he echoed, and I could practically feel his smirk, that familiar roguish grin that always made my heart skip a beat. "Should I button them up, then?"

"If you'll wear a tie," I teased, biting my lip to hold back a laugh.

"Oh, no. You'll be feral," he laughed. "Alright, then. I'll see you later, Cherie. I love you. Happy birthday. Muah!" The last word was punctuated with a playful kiss noise that made me smile.

"I love you too, darling," I murmured, my heart swelling with affection. "Bye!" I hung up the phone, feeling a rush of warmth and excitement wash over me, the prospect of the evening ahead filling me with a heady mix of nerves and joy. But what could go wrong, honestly?

I'm not really the type to celebrate my birthdays in the most extravagant ways, no. Usually, I prefer a quieter affair, often spending the day alone at home or indulging in solo outings to the films, the fair, or a gig. The idea of a party, with all eyes on me, has never held much appeal. Even when I find myself enjoying such gatherings, my social battery tends to deplete rather quickly.

This year's celebration isn't a drastic departure from my usual customs. The main difference is the presence of more friends, which lends a new kind of warmth to the occasion. And, for the first time in four years, I am celebrating in Truro!

As per tradition, Alex was busy in the kitchen preparing all my favourite foods. Now, don't judge me, alright? Most of my favourites apart from caesar salad are rather indulgent, the sort of food that might give you a heart attack. We're talking fried chicken, pizza, pigs in a blanket, and anything smothered in cheese. But she's balanced it out with some classic British party fare too—pineapples and cheese on cocktail sticks, scotch eggs, and sandwiches. There's also vegetarian pasta and prawn cocktail, which I specifically asked her to make for Brian, knowing how he loves them. Alex even baked a chocolate cake for me last night, a rich, decadent affair that I can hardly wait to dive into. It sucks how we won't be able to eat them until dinner, though.

I had asked Brian to come by lunchtime so we could have the privacy of family introductions without the bustling presence of our friends. True to form, he arrived just as the clock struck twelve. Matt was setting the table, and my mum and grandparents were already seated when Brian arrived by the gates. He had dressed in his usual style, topped off with a multicoloured scarf that added a vibrant touch to his ensemble.

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