Chapter 30: Come With Me

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Hi! Hope you've been enjoying the story so far! This one is just a filler so it would be relatively short. Also really really sorry that I haven't been updating more often now. Really busy with uni, especially that the semester is about to end. AAAAAHHHH anyway, hope u like this and the following chapters.

With lots of love,

- brianmayism x



I'm chuffed to bits to be starting my first job. Thanks to Simone's kindness and Nurse Joanne's offer, I've landed my first proper job. Yippeee!

I was nervous during the interview last week, afraid of making a right fool of myself. But somehow, whatever I did seemed to work. Simone was there, supporting and encouraging me whenever I felt nervous. Plus, even though I've never been the sharpest tool in the shed, my practicality always seems to get me through.

It's not the perfect job, I know. I wish I had more workdays; Tuesdays and Thursdays don't feel like enough, especially when you're paid by the hour. But I'd rather ease into things than jump into an environment where I don't feel confident. Hospitals terrify me, which is ironic, because I did want to get into medical school. But I struggle with managing my temper, especially with middle-aged adults, so that could be difficult in the hospital settings.

Sure, I can be sweet when I want to be, but I don't tolerate people stepping out of line. I'll give them a piece of my mind if I feel I need to. The problem is, I don't discriminate. Back in Ireland, my clinical instructors gave me a right telling off because I always fought back when patients disrespected me. Whoops.

But I like to think I've changed a bit. I believe I'm a better person now.

Anyway, upon hearing the news about landing the job, Roger offered to take me out tonight for a bite. He's definitely the charmer of the bunch. Although it feels a bit odd dating someone a year younger than me, but I reckon I'm up for a bit of change.

Roger's got a sweet side to him, no doubt. Though he can be a bit cheeky when he's miffed. But who doesn't enjoy a bit of toxicity now and then, eh? Dating someone too laid-back can be a tad dull, if you ask me. Take Simone and Brian, for instance. They're a perfect match, but their vibe is a bit too tame for my taste. I think he's a little too vanilla for me. I prefer a bit of drama, keeps things interesting.

"How was your first day in the clinic, then?" Roger inquired as we settled in with our meals.

"It went alright. Not as easy as I imagined, but having sharp colleagues makes it manageable," I chuckled. "And I appreciate that the cases aren't too heavy or serious. It saves me from the emotional toll that comes with other nursing roles."

"Ah, I see," he nodded. "Kids are generally easier to handle, yeah?"

"Actually, it's quite the opposite for me. I like dealing with the very old patients more. But in a school setting, you rarely encounter patients with complex cases. Dealing with the teachers might be the biggest challenge, though," I laughed, cutting into my steak.

"If any of them give you trouble, just give me a shout," he grinned. "I'll come running over in my car and sort them out for you," he quipped. 

"Roger!" I slapped his hand playfully. "I'm just happy to finally have a job. Simone really went above and beyond to help me out," I sighed. "She's very kind."

"She is," Roger agreed.

"She even arranged for Brian to make sure I got home safely after my shifts, since she usually clocks out after lunch when I work and didn't want me to walk home alone," I added.

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