Chapter 24: Marked By You

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I woke up to the soft sound of Brian's gentle snoring beside me. As I stirred, I realized we were entwined in a cozy embrace, both of us bare under the covers. Despite the chill of the morning, his warmth enveloped me, offering solace in the cool air. There's something utterly perfect about cuddling on mornings like these, especially when I could smell his scent in his sheets and in my own skin.

I couldn't help but think about how utterly smitten I was with this man. He laid there, his face nestled against my neck, his rhythmic breaths indicating he was still deeply lost in slumber. He's beautiful.

Glancing at the clock, I saw it was 6:30. We had plans to meet the rest of the group by 9 for our final activities in London, followed by lunch and a return journey to Truro by the afternoon.

Carefully, so as not to disturb him, I maneuvered out of his embrace and slipped out of bed. Every movement reminded me of our passionate night; my body ached in places I hadn't anticipated. Swallowing was painful, and my arms protested any attempt at movement—I must have clung to him too tightly. But the soreness between my thighs was the most pronounced. With each step that I took was some kind of a stabbing pain from the lower portion of my stomach to my genitals. And I wish I knew this was the kind of aftermath I was getting.

As I reached for fresh clothes in his closet, I noticed bruises adorning my thighs. Pausing, I abandoned the clothes momentarily at the foot of the bed and approached the mirror. My hair was a tousled mess, which I attempted to tame with my fingers as I took in my reflection. Hickeys marked a path from my jawline to my chest, while bruises adorned my thighs, hips, and wrists. But they weren't bad. I do remember him holding me in those places whenever he became more passionate. I quite liked being marked by him.

Tracing each mark on my skin with the delicate touch of my fingers, I reflected on the events of the previous night. It was the first time that I had been in this situation and I literally have no idea what happens the morning after. I was just grateful that we were sober and that he was patient the entire time, which had made the experience comfortable and reassuring. It was more than I could have hoped for, especially considering it was my first time. Oh, and I'm very glad that he used protection.

"Have you finally started to realise just how beautiful you really are?" His voice, yet soft and calm, caught me off guard, causing me to jump slightly. He sounded raspy, a hint of tiredness evident in his tone.

I glanced at him through the reflection of the mirror, observing as he slowly uncovered himself and rose to his feet. He retrieved his own boxers from the closet, wearing it before he brought along the new clothes I had left behind.

He slipped his arms around me, enfolding me in his embrace from behind. His touch was tender as he traced circles on my belly with his fingers and placed delicate kisses upon my temple. "Good morning."

I melted into his embrace, finding comfort in the warmth his body gave me. "Good morning."

His gaze drifted over my reflection, his hold steady and unwavering. Softening, his eyes lingered on the bruises and hickeys scattered across my skin. "Did I hurt you, love?" I shook my head gently. Surprisingly, they didn't trouble me in the slightest. "I'm terribly sorry, darling. I may have been... overly enthusiastic last night," he murmured against my cheek. "Did I push too hard?"

"It's alright," I reassured him, meeting his gaze in the mirror. "Towards the end, perhaps. But I enjoyed it," I chuckled softly. "You were so gentle with me throughout, though. But yes," I sighed, "there is some discomfort down there."

"My love, I'm truly sorry," he echoed, pulling me closer.

"You're still... hard," I observed quietly, feeling his presence against my back.

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