Chapter 29: She Makes Me

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I had woken up just three minutes earlier than the alarm Brian had set for us today. It's a curious thing. I can't quite explain why it happens, but I suspect it's my brain's way of asserting its own timing, a subtle competition with the predictable buzz of the alarm clock. It's just the way I am—always up for a little challenge, even when it comes to something as mundane as waking up in the morning.

Brian had his arms wrapped around me in a loose embrace, peacefully snoring against my forehead. Now, I have to admit, it might not have been his most flattering moment, at least not to an outsider. But to me, it was the cutest thing in the world. Seriously, there's something about the way he sleeps that just melts my heart. It's moments like these that make me realize there's nothing in this world that could ever make me feel unattracted to him. Not a chance.

That's why I couldn't quite get him last night. I mean, I probably do the same thing myself quite often, but when he confessed to feeling insecure about his nose, and especially his figure, as we tried to fall asleep, I was taken aback. I had to prove to him that his nose was quite literally one of the first things that had me physically attracted to him from the very start. So attracted that I had to stop myself from staring at it too much during our picnic— from the ride to the location, during the picnic itself, and on the ride home.

And his body? Do I even need to elaborate? What transpired last night in the bathroom speaks volumes. But hey, everyone has their insecurities. I guess I just struggle to see why he should have any.

Oh, and the night prior is undoubtedly making its way to my mental list of the best moments in my life.

At the very top of the list is when I graduated with upper-class honors from college. There's nothing quite like the validation of academic success for a girl like me. Next up, that magical moment when we welcomed Luna into our lives. Then, the day Brian took me to see Ophelia—my heart simply melted. Fourth place goes to when Brian and I made our relationship official. And fifth, well, that's reserved for last night.

God I love the sex

With Bri, I quite grasp the hype for it now. I was never in a rush to shag before I did it for the first time with him. But lord, he is so seductive with every little thing that he does and it's all I want to do with him all day, and every day.

But seriously, I've been dying to tell him I love him. But with everything moving so fast, I was worried he might freak out if I said it too soon. But I just couldn't hold it in any longer. I really do love him, and I wanted to be honest with myself, like he asked me to be. When I finally blurted it out, I didn't care what anyone else would think. All that mattered was us, in our own tiny little bubble. And that's what made last night so special.

Oh, and did I mention we shagged again after that?

And another round again, after a bit of rest? I don't know how he does it, really. I thought men were meant to pass out after one round.

So here he was, snoring louder than usual. I think I wore him out last night. We ended up sleeping at probably 11 at night, giving me just a few minutes shy of 8 hours of sleep, but I was still extremely tired.

Rrrriinnggg! Rrrriiinnggg!

Ugh. I should be used to it already, but I loathe that sound so much.

"Mmmm," Brian groaned, his torso gently arching as he reached across to silence the alarm clock. Then, his embrace tightened around me, enveloping me in warmth. "Good morning, beautiful," he murmured softly, his thumb tracing gentle circles on my shoulder.

She Makes Me - A Brian May Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now