
15 3 2

a/n: this is a very triggering topic and it may tigger you! if you don't feel comfortable feel free to skip this chapter:)

Debby's POV:

"What did you get?" I asked Tyler switching my seat so I can be next to him.

"Something about not feeling real," Tyler responded, "I honestly feel like he's overreacting these because.. I feel fine,"

I frowned. I knew he didn't feel "fine". Josh and Jenna and me knew what he went through. And I think that we could all agree that he wasn't "fine"

I looked around the room, everyone had their papers in their own hands, showing it to their friends. I wondered if mine was just being printed. I look at my teacher and it looked like he wasn't doing anything on his laptop.

"What was yours?" Tyler asked me.

"I haven't gotten mine yet,"

"But everyone got theirs?" Tyler straightened his posture looking around the class.

"Yeah... I'm gonna go ask him," I got up from the seat infront of Tyler as I saw him nod. I walked over to my teachers desk.

"Mr. Meany?" I said in a quiet voice.


"Um, where's my paper?" I asked looking around the room again, "or do you expect me not having anything?"

"No, it's not that I don't think you don't have anything but, I thought it was self explanatory on what you might have Debby,"


"Okay then, never mind then," I slightly chuckled about to walk back to Tyler.

"Here let me give the paper away," he handed me a white sheet of paper.

"Okay, thank you,"

I walked and sat infront of Tyler.

"He said it was self explanatory on what I had," I sat back down.

Tyler scrunched his nose, "that's a bit rude,"

"Yeah..." I gulped and started to read loud enough for Tyler to hear.

"An eating disorder characterized by often bouts of overeating followed by self induced vomiting or purging"

"Oh wow," is all I could say.

Tyler had the same face he did before I started reading. Like he knew it was "self explanatory" too.

"Hm," I crumbled up the paper and shoved it in my jean pocket.

"Well that doesn't matter because that was all last year," Tyler said, "your doing better now, right?"

"Yeah. I totally am.." I smiled as my sentence trailed off.


"The beans are...350 calories, the bread is somewhere around 150," I say with my finger up to my mouth.

"The total is 980 calories," Tyler responded as he was sipping on his mango smoothie.

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