She Knows

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Tyler's POV

We were all in Josh's car now on our way "somewhere special" as he describes it.

" got better from your fever?" I asked him crossing my arms sarcastically.

"What fever?" Josh asked as he was putting a CD into his car.

"Nevermind," I laughed, I knew he was lying. He never shows up to school anyway but somehow still has good grades.

"No tell me," Josh nervously laughed.

"When I texted you this morning.. you said you had a fever," I told him.

"Oh! Haha.. yeah I got better don't worry, I can't get you guys sick," he scratched the back of his neck as if a bug was biting him.

The ride was a bit long Jenna, Debby and Josh were keeping conversations going and about what happened during school and annoying kids at P.E. I kept looking outside of the window. I didn't bother to go on my social media or check my phone. I just studied the outside as best as I could.

"Wait, what disorder thing did you guys get?" asked Josh.

Debby kept quiet.

Jenna groaned, "That teacher doesn't know what he's talking about! He says I have like "OCD" or whatever but I know I don't," Jenna put quotation marks in the air, "I'm just well put together,"

"I got this thing about not feeling real," I said.

"Wait Josh you didn't get yours did you?" Debby turned to him.

"Um, he actually pulled me out of my last period on Friday and gave it to me early," Josh said.

"How come you didn't tell us?" Jenna asked confused.

"I don't know, I guess I just forgot," Josh told us, "I'm schizophrenic or something,"

I frowned, "I don't see it," I kinda saw it.

We arrived to a rollerskating rink.

"We're rollerskating?" Debby asked happily as we pulled up to the parking lot.

"Yup, and after when the sun sets we have one more place to go," Josh smiled as we got out of the car.

We entered the rollerskating rink and got on our roller skates.

The music was loud and people were talking. Everyone had smiles on their faces. Everyone was laughing, and I couldn't help but feel a little bit of jealousy. They feel real and I don't. I wish I had what they had. They're actually experiencing this moment, I don't think I'll ever experienced this moment.

We started skating for a while, but I kept staying close to the edge and kept at a slow pace. Josh and Debby were in the middle of the rink skating together.

I felt weird and upset. I didn't feel like I was here. I felt like I was out of my body and I have no control of my actions. I feel like I'm in my brain watching someone control my body.
I can't do anything. But I haven't thought like this before. It all just started today when Mr.Meany gave us those stupid papers.

Jenna came up to me, "Hey Tyler, you okay?" She asked putting her hand on my shoulder keeping with my speed.

"Just tired.." I said quietly.

Jenna sped up infront of me and exited the rink and hand gesturing me to come out too. I did so.

"What's wrong? I know that tone of voice," she gave me a sweet smile.

"I think.. he was right.. I feel like I'm out of my body, and I feel like I can't control anything or myself. It's like I can't even enjoy life anymore, because I feel like nothing is real," I let it all out.

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