Please Leave-

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Debby's POV:

I had the most annoying ring wake me up from my sleep. I groaned and tossed over I couldn't make up of what was happening.


I had a disgusted look on my face wondering why she was calling. She never apologized to me and I never did. I thought that since she started this whole thing I deserved the apology first.

"Hello." I said.

"Debby..can you please...please come to the hospital.." Jenna whispered, I didn't know why she was asking me that, I heard small chatter in the back, beeping and a slight sob in the background.

"W-wait why? What happened? It's already dark out what happened??" I sat up from my bed looking outside of my bed. My heart started beating I didn't know what was going on.

I heard Josh, "Debby please it's urgent, Tyl- he's.." I heard him gasp.

"Josh? What are you doing there what's going on what's happening?" I asked as I put on a jacket and my shoes.

"Please please just come," he sniffled.

"I- okay okay I'm on my way.." I hung up and ran downstairs silently grabbing my mother's car keys hoping no body would hear a thing.

I entered the car and turned it on praying it won't wake my parents up. I slowly left the driveway and headed my way knowing which hospital they were at since it's the only one near our area.

I tried to hurry my way there overwhelmed with every thought possible.

Why were they at the hospital together? Why did they call me just now. Why was Josh calling. Was Tyler with them? Why wasn't Tyler talking. Are they just calling him now?

I figured they might've called him already but I wanted to call him just to make sure.





.... please leave a message for Tylerrr :)

For some reason my thoughts became foggy and I didn't know why. I was confused on why he didn't answer me but perhaps he was busy coming on his way.

I tried to call him again.




....Please Leave A Message For Tylerrr :)

For some reason, hearing those words made me cry. The way he didn't answer the first or second time. The fact that the auto voice message read out and emphasized his name on the R and said out the colon and parentheses.

I started crying. I felt hungry. Hungry for food and answers. Where was Tyler?




....please leave a message for-

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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