Orange Juice

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Jenna's POV

I was on my way to the bathroom after Josh just told me. I slowly skated inside, trying not to make a sound. I heard Debbie it sounded like she was crying, but just as I was about to say something to comfort her I heard her gagging.

My heart stopped. I looked around trying to do something but I didn't know what to do. Until my mouth spoke her name.


It was quiet. Then I heard her flush the toilet. She walked out like nothing was wrong. I examined her face, her smile lines were showing, her mascara was smudged. Her eyeliner weren't both even and it made me cringe. I hugged her.

I held her in my arms and slightly sobbed on ur shoulder leaving wet tear marks all over her.

She stood there. Why is she just standing fucking there! She swore to her parents. She swore to us. That it will never happen again. Now I what she means.

"Hey Jenna," did she just smile at me.

"I thought you stopped, I thought you got better. Why would you lie for 2 years Debby?" I could see the tears form in her eyes.

"We all had hope for you,"

"Don't tell anyone,"

"What.?" how could I can I stay quiet when I just heard my best friend fucking shove her finger down her throat to throw up.

"Don't tell anyone please, especially Josh, please please.." she pleaded as she kept looking at ground. Why can't she she fucking look at me.

"I-" why would she say that.

"I'll get better for sure now! Please don't say anything," she grabbed my shoulders.

I narrowed my eyebrows and looked down.


I couldn't do anything. I wanted to tell someone. I wanted her to get help. She needs it badly and now.

But I just couldn't do it.

"Fine," I spoke.

tw: throw up! not bulimia tho.

We were at a high school party one of our classmates invited us too. Josh was in the kitchen eating some cosmic brownie, who knows what the hell is in them. Tyler was outside with me and Debby. There was a pool infront of us and people were splashing in it. We didn't enjoy parties like that but we enjoyed being part of that "high school fun" or whatever it is called. I especially didn't like them at all. All the trash on the floor and everyone bumping in to you. The loud ass music. I just don't like them at all. It makes me cringe.

Josh came outside with a couple of his friends, Paul and Mark. They held red plastic cups in their hand. I could tell by the smell from his breath it was not just juice in there. I cringed hard but I didn't say anything because that's him and that's just me.

" want some?" Paul pointed at us smiling.

"I'm okay, I'm driving them home at 1," Tyler said but he as staring off into the pool.

"I don't drink," I spoke slightly smiling.

"Debby do you want one? I'm fine you can have my drink," Josh asked sitting next to her.

This was when they weren't dating yet. Debby has had a crush on Josh for a while now and she does anything in her possible way to get his attention or to make her notice her.

"Hells yah!" She smiled snatching the cup out of Josh's hand and chugging it.

"Woah, Debby calm down.." Tyler snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Debby place the cup down.

I cringed as I watched her. I wish she didn't have to go all this way just to impress a guy. 'They will love you for you' I always told her but she would just be like 'I'm just out going' with her little sweet smile.

I saw her walk inside next to Josh and she was getting another drink but pouring orange juice in it.

That happened 2 more times.

"What-" she giggled looking at me. Her eyes were droopy and her breathe smelled like oranges with a tiny spice in it.

"You never drink like that," I moved her hair out of her face. "Ever"

"So what.!" She puffed out.

"So..." I began but I didn't say anything.

"Josh come on its time to go," Tyler tapped his shoulder.

"Do we have time?" Josh looked up, "you guys are sleeping over at my house anyway,"

"Last time we stayed longer we ended up sleeping here and woke up at like five am walking back towards your house," I shot him a look. I wanted to leave bad.

"Y- fine," he got up and walked away to say by to his friends.

"Okay, um where's Debby?" Tyler pointed out.

I looked next to me to not see Debby. I walked inside calling her name. She was in the living room watching Melanie Martinez performing at a concert of her K-12 album. I got distracted and watched a little bit of it admiring her dance moves as she sings holding an orange in her hand, singing about orange juice. I was glad Debby wasn't doing anything crazy.

"Debby," I put my hand on her head, "time to go get up,"

"Mmm noooo I wann- i wann- I want to stay okay?!" She yanked my hand away, slurring her words.

"Stop acting like that let's go,"

She muttered something under her breath but I couldn't hear well. I signaled Josh and Tyler to come inside and Josh picked her up and carried her, piggyback. She didn't seem to fazed, if she was sober she would've been smiling and silent screaming. She just kept her head down.

"Alright let's go," Tyler walked out of the house.

I got in the car and drove back to Josh's house. His parents were out of town so it was just going to be us four.

When we arrived Debby rushed to his pantry and grabbed some fruit gummies. As she ate it she slapped the counter and stayed like that.

"Is it good?" I asked smiling taking off my jacket.

"This is....hands down....the best shit ever.." she inhaled before grabbing 2 more packets.

!!starts here!!
Josh and Tyler walked up stairs to his room getting ready to go to bed. Josh let me and Debby to take his parents room. I guided Debby towards the upstairs and we walked in. It was clean, Josh probably cleaned it before we entered. I felt comfortable. I set my bag down where it had our pjs with our toothbrush. We changed and cleaned our teeth. As we both layed in the bed and slowly starting to drift off I heard Debby throw up.

"Debby..- I- shit," I stuttered and grabbed her hair.

I cringed so hard as I watch saw the bits of food she ate fall to the ground staining the floor and the blanket of the bed. Gosh I was hyperventilating it was so gross. I hated it so much I wanted to shout. 

When Debby stopped she started crying looking around what once was a clean room now to the throw up on the floor that splashed everywhere.

"Jenna, I ruined it, I ruined the blanket.. I'm so sorry," she cried out as tears were falling down her cheek.

"It's fine it's fine," my eyes were wide as I was studying her mouth.

"Gosh I always ruin everything Jenna I'm sorry," she whined.

Next thing I know we both started crying too. I started crying from frustration with her on how stupid she was acting today, the fucking throw up on the floor, and how sad Debby looked as she was crying.

*end of flashback*

We are in the car already driving's towards somewhere, where ever. I'm staring at Debby's car head rest. I got flashbacks of that one night.

I couldn't even say anything too. Because I wanted to  feel like she could trust me. But I didn't know.

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