That's My Mom

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Jenna's POV

My throat felt tight and my stomach felt like it was about to explode. My eyes were watery from the punch Debby gave me. I looked at myself in the tiny mirror that the principal had, I saw my hair messed up. I had a bruise my face, my make up was all smudged. My shirt was all dirty. It made me creep out. I tried wiping off the shirt, brushing my hair with my fingers and wiping off my make up with some tissue only for it to make it worse. I groaned.

This day was going to be so bad.

I knew the principal was going to come in the room to ask us some questions. Now I didn't want to rat out Debby because they would get her in serious trouble. I have to come up with something and she has to to go with it.

"So.. can one of you guys explain to me what happened outside?"

"Um.." Debby said.

"She called me a bitch and I punched her and she hit me back," I quickly said.

She looked at me confused.

"That's it?" The principal asked, "just a verbal argument?"

"Yes sir," I said.

I looked over at Debby to see her looking down and not having any contact. She had tissues up her nose due to the bloody nose I gave her. I felt bad.

"I just called her a bitch out of frustration because I was already having a bad day," Debby muttered. Okay. Good she was going along.

"What made your day bad?" The principal asked.

"Respectfully, it's none of your business,"
She responded, "I called her bitch, she hit me and I hit back, just two girls being dramatic," she sighed slightly.

The principal raised an eyebrow.

"It doesn matter if it was on purpose or on accident you guys are still going to have suspension for two weeks each of you. Your homework will not be excused. You will have to stay home,"

He both gave our parents a call to come pick us up. Debby looked scared out of her shit when her mom walked in the room.

"Jenna?" Her mom looked at me, "oh honey you look horrible, your poor face.." her mother hugged me.

The hug felt weird, me and my mom never had that type of connection so I never really was fond of physical touch but having another mother hug me made me feel something weird inside. Though, it shouldn't be me who she should be hugging it should've been Debby.I don't know why she was hugging me.

"Thank you.. I guess," I whispered.

Debby's POV

She was hugging Jenna. Not me. My mommy wasn't hugging her own daughter. Why mom?

When my mommy was pregnant with me. She was going to have me. Me.

So why was she hugging my best friend?

I wish my mommy knew how much I still cared for her. I'm sorry for being a bad daughter. You cared for me when no one did. Your my mommy and I'm your daughter.

I felt something tight in my throat. I couldn't sallow my throat hurt.

My mom picked me up and took me to her car.

"You hugged Jenna but not me," I said.

No response.

"Mommy, please I'm sorry," I felt tears form in my eyes.

No answer.

"Are you mad?" I asked looking at her.

She sighed and kept her eyes on the world.

"Not mad, just disappointed,"


"I'm sorry," I said.

"Don't be sorry, be better,"

I cried silently.

I didn't want be to a disappointment to my mommy. I wanted her to be proud of me. She has too much for herself and I'm making it worse for her. She tried so hard for me and for my family and I'm here ruining it for her. I wish she could have a the best life that she should've had.

"Mom when I get older I will buy you anything you want, I'll grow up to be someone famous, someone known and I'll give you anything you want, I promise," I sniffled.

No response.

"I'm sorry for being a bad daughter," I cried.

I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid I'm stupid.

Maybe in another universe, I will actually allow people to help me without shutting them out.

I'm sorry mommy.

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