His Body is Here, His Soul Isn't.

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Jenna's POV

I held my hands to my head and rocked back and forth. I haven't been the same ever since that fight happened. I couldn't be the same. It hurt me, physically and mentally. It drained me. I ruined my friendship with my best friends. Debby probably despises me now. I'm so stupid. Why couldn't I have just kept a tiny secret.

My room was a mess. Clothes were on my bed and on the floor. My desk was filled with papers of my class work and homework that I had piled up but didn't bother to organize.

I've lost my sense in just being me. Everything was ruined.

Its Friday. It's been a week into my suspension and I couldn't bear me living in this place anymore. I had to at least get fresh air, I haven't been myself. I took a breath and got up from my bed. I took a look in the mirror and saw the mess I have become over a week of me bed rotting.

I put on a sweater and jeans and put my hair in a bun and got on my shoes and left my house. It was sunset. I saw the sun going below the mountains slowly but surely. I put in my headphones listening to instrumental music. I just needed to refresh. I took a path which was basically a longer way of getting to the school.

I walked a dirt trail that lead to a small river leading up to a bridge. I had to admit that taking a walk outside where I can breathe actually made me feel better and comfortable. I was trying to get back to me.

I walked where the water lead me. It's sound of it and the birds slowly singing and the tree's leaves swaying in the light wind just all lead me to peace.

As the further I walked the more the wind became too much and the leaves started swaying faster. It almost turned into an uncomfortable feeling honestly. Which I just ignored.

Though it started to bother me. The wind was making my hair feel mucky. The coldness of the wind made me have cold sweat from the way I was walking which made my arms and body uncomfortable with the clothes I had on. I thought that I've walked enough and it was time to go home.

I was going to walk back where I came from until something caught my eye.

It was a bunch of branches and leaves all pushed together in between something. At first I saw a zipper then saw and patch of red. I walked up to it thinking it was a shirt someone had left.

I started taking off the branches and washing away the leaves to make what I was seeing. I cocked my head as what I saw wasn't as clear. It was dirty and the leaves were still attached to the, whatever this thing was. I held my breathe and decided to pull it out from the water to least see what it was.

I pulled it out making sure of it being a backpack. A red backpack. But it wasn't just a simple red backpack.

"Tyler?" I whispered to myself as I saw his little doodles on the straps. It was Tyler's. This was his backpack. It was here in the water. Here it was. Why was it here? What was it doing here?

I held my breathe and my eyes widened and I saw something further from all the leaves and branches. I tossed the backpack on the floor and fell to my knees digging up what was in the water. And what I saw with my eyes. Was something I couldn't believe.

I fell to the floor on the grass as I saw my best friend in the water. Face down in the water. It was him. Tyler. My friend. I could not catch my breath, everything was happening so quickly so fast. The wind, the water rushing and the birds squawking. It all lead up to here.

I splashed into the water not carrying about what would get messy and me getting water everywhere. I put my arms under his shoulders and dragged him back to the grassy floor. I placed him up against a nearby tree and started smacking his face.

"Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler Tyler," I repeatedly said out of breathe. I felt the tears form as I kept moving him. Gosh I couldn't help myself.

"Tyler please.. no no no no no.." I cried.

I laid him in his back and started to perform CPR that I learned in sports med in my freshman year. I tried everything that I remembered but my memories started fogging up like how my eyes were from all the tears I had.

"Tyler please, don't do this shit to me..wake up wake up." I whined as spit fell from my mouth.

His body, his face didn't even seem real to me anymore. His face was paler than it usually was. His fingers were pruny and his nose had a white froth around it. He had small cuts on his beautiful dead face.

My head fell to his chest as I cried and tried to hear for a heart beat. I held my ear close to his limp body.




"Oh god, Tyler oh god. No no no why why why." I moaned. I couldn't hear anything. He was a dead person, he died he died. He's dead.

"No no no no.. Tyler wake up please please please. Oh my god Tyler why can't you wake up. I know you can fucking hear me Tyler wake up, tell me it's a cruel joke." I sobbed as my head was against his chest.

I cried and cried onto him. I didn't want to let him go. I held onto him and didn't make him leave my grasp. Not that he could.

"Oh my god Tyler why didn't you tell me anything.. why didn't you say anything to me.. I wasn't ready.. we weren't ready.. it wasn't time yet.. oh god.." I put my hand over my mouth as the tears kept forming and forming.

"Why why why why why why." I whined and hugged him putting my arms around him wishing and hoping that I could feel his arms wrap around me as well.

The sun fell to night and I couldn't see anything just his dead body and the small light from a broken lamp post up a far from the the road on the bridge. Me just sitting below with a dead body.

I let go of him laying him on the grass and grabbed my phone and dialed  the first number that first came to mind.




"Josh! Please please call someone.." I choked on my words.

"Jenna what's wrong what what happened.?" He sounded alert.

"God, it's Tyler he's dead he's gone he's not here anymore." I cried.

"What? What are you talking about what are you saying." He said.

"Tyler he- drowned, I saw him he's here but he's gone. His body is here but his soul is gone- Josh call someone oh my god!" I sobbed on my phone and I cupped Tyler's cheeks wig my hand.

"Where are you Jenna, oh my- Jenna where are you?" I heard the sadness in his voice.

"I'm at the bridge just come and look down at the water and you will see me please please call someone Josh,"

I heard the phone hung up on his side and hoped he was on his way.

My friend. He's gone he's gone he's gone. My soul. My heart. I cant see him anymore. It's not him anymore. It's just a body it's not him. He's gone he's gone.

Tyler is dead.

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