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Tyler's POV

Jenna kept looking jittery and anxious all day. I couldn't bear seeing her like that. I wanted to make sure she was okay. She wasn't acting like herself.

"Hey, are you okay? You're acting up," I asked her. The bell rang so we could leave class to lunch. We walked to meet up with Josh and Debby.

We saw them from a far and waved as we got closer and closer.

"I-" Jenna started, "I don't- I can't say anything.."

"You can always tell me anything," I whispered.

"Debby is still doing it," she finally let out just as we caught up with Debby and Josh.

I didn't know what she meant. She's stilling doing what?

"What?" I whispered to Jenna's ear.

"She's throwing up," Jenna looked down. Though it wasn't said in a whisper. Josh and Debby heard what Jenna was saying.

"Who's what?" Josh turned to us.

"Jenna.. you promised," Debby looked at Jenna.

Our groups attention was all on Jenna as we were waiting for her to say something. 

"Well, do you know how much pressure I have? Having to hold on a secret that's eating me up inside? Having to hide for 4 months that you have been throwing up all of your food everyday? Do you know the guilt that I feel? Knowing that I could've done something to help you but you just shut me out! And wanting me to lie to your boyfriend and best friend? I couldn't do it anymore!" Jenna yelled at her, catching some attention with the people around us.

"Uh.. guys.." I started looking around.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You can't keep one tiny secret with you? It's not that big of a deal!" Debby stopped looking at Jenna.

"What the hell Debby? Why would you lie?" Josh said.

"You guys just don't understand what I've been going through.. I cant find anything to cope," she whined.

"So you make yourself throw up?!" Jenna yelled in her face leading up to a slap in the face from Debby.

"What the fuck Debby?" I yelled at her as Jenna held onto me.

"Your such a bitch! I trusted you with that and your here telling someone of the things that I trusted telling you with!" Debby pointed at her. Students were stopping and looking at us. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Jenna left from my grasp and hit Debby in the face causing them to break out into a fight.

Now students were really looking. They came over and started a circle and pushed me and Josh out of the way.

A teacher came in and broke them apart.

"What's going on?" She grabbed them tight so they wouldn't rebel.

"She started it!" Jenna said.

All the kids that were around us all ran away so their phones wouldn't get confiscated for recording a fight. I groaned, I knew it was going to be everywhere and talked about everywhere.

"Hey, what happened," a random person asked me with her girl friends.

"Just go away," I shoed them away and walked with Josh as Jenna and Debby were going up to the office.

"Did you know that was going on?" Josh turned to me.

"No, I noticed Jenna acting weird so I asked her what was going on," I replied.

"She told me, all of us that she stopped doing that,"

"I feel bad," I said as we sat down at a lunch table.

"For who?" Josh asked.

"For both really, but for Debby," I sighed.

Josh narrowed his eyebrows, "what do you mean?"

"She probably has a lot going on for her and she find that throwing up is a coping mechanism for her.." I shrugged.

"So, you support my girlfriend's decision on making herself starve to death?" He said.

"What? No that's not I meant at all! I didn't mean to word it like that," I rushed to say.

"Okay, so what did you mean to say?" He said.

"I- like I meant like she doesn't understand what she's doing is wrong... and Jenna couldn't keep it in-" I started.

"Jenna knew it was wrong, that's why she told you because she didn't feel safe, I'm honestly mad at her because she didn't tell me," Josh said.

"She was scared she would betray her best friends trust," I muttered.

"I'm her boyfriend," Josh said.

"You wouldn't be able to change her anyway.." I muttered under my breath.

"So if Jenna was your girlfriend, you wouldn't try to help her get better? And I don't know.. stop herself?!" He whispered yelled.

"Be quiet!" I whispered, "no one except you knows I like her," I lied. I had mixed feelings. I don't know who I liked. You or her.

"Exactly, I would've at least tried to help her get better. I wouldn't want her to suffer all along," he replied.

"She's her own person, at the end, she makes her own decisions,"

"I just.. I didn't mean to yell like that it's just surprising to know that my girlfriend who promised me that she stopped doing that to herself and still doing it," he sighed.

I couldn't help but pull him into a hug. He buried his head into my shoulder and I felt it getting wet. I pat his back.

"It's okay, everything will be okay soon, it will all be over, no one will have to go through anything anymore," I told him.

"It's hard, it's hard to know that, I love her, she's perfect in my eyes why can't she see that herself?" He whispered. I could tell he was trying to hide the sadness in his voice but I understood it all.

"Sometimes everyone views everything differently, they don't have our eyes. They think our wrongs are right, or our rights are wrong, and really.. there is nothing we would do about it.." I hugged back.

We stayed quiet.

There wasn't much to say.

All we had to do now was wait to hear back from one of them.

"You cannot change people. You can't. You can either accept them as they are (no matter how hurtful or disappointing) OR you can finally choose yourself, your sanity, and your happiness and WALK AWAY. You can't change them, but you can change your own life. So change it."

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