1: Home

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It was a cloudy foggy night. Street lamps lit the roads for any car that maybe passing by. House's where dark and quiet as many of the owners where fast asleep.

Well expect for one house owned by a pesky German.

Reich was busy at work. Determined to get something done before he was forced to sleep.

Though he could feel his eyelids wanting to close, he was motivated to stay awake for just a little longer. But eventually he gave in to his need for sleep.

But, he headed to the kitchen first. Wanting something warm before bed.

He flicked the lights on and stretched a bit as he made his way further into the kitchen. He always felt off being in the kitchen or the living room at night. Not because it was creepy or anything. It was just because of all the windows in the rooms.

The pitch black window that he wouldn't be able to see out of at night.

Nonetheless he waddled his way to the stove, in his t-shirt and sweet pants. Grabbed his tea kettle, got some water in it, and placed it on the stove.

As his water began to warm up he got his cup and tea bag.

He stood waiting for a bit as his eye began to close. He could feel himself drifting off- until he heard a sudden noise.

Reich moved his eye to his China cabinet. Though it didn't have any glass China in it or any glass on it at all, he still called it a China cabinet. Made him feel fancy.

He hadn't opened it in a while, not much in there anyways. But he couldn't help but notice how it's doors almost stood ajar. Like it had been opened recently.

He made his way over to it slowly, hands in his pockets. He was about two feet away from it at this point. Staring at the black void in between it's barely cracked doors.

He reached his hand out to it- then he heard a scream.

Reich felt his skeleton jump out of him as his tea kettle went off. He breathed out a sigh from the scare and went back to his tea.

After turning off the stove and shutting the kitchen down he walked back to his room. Careful not to spill his hot drink. He didn't look back at the kitchen.

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