32: I Hate You

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Warnings: uhhhhhhh, blood and uh- Gore... much gore- be careful yo :0

Reich was getting tired of Soviet very quickly, more quickly than normal.

Just like before in their last house he had been leaving the German home alone all day with no ability to get his own food or whatever.

He thought it was ridiculous that Soviet persisted in locking him up everyday before he left the house. It was stupid. And sure Soviet didn't want him to escape, as that was exactly what Reich wanted to do. But of course he didn't say that.

He tried doing what he did last time when all this dumb stuff happened. He tried to cry to Soviet, told him he's sorry for whatever he did, blah blah blah-

But this time Soviet didn't care. He wouldn't let Reich go, it was too risky with all of his children home, especially when he wasn't home.

Reich eventually gave up on trying to talk Soviet into untying him. It wasn't going to happen, and if he wanted to stop this from happening everyday- besides the weekends as that was when Soviet was home- he would have to earn Soviet's trust first. Which he really didn't have the patience to do anymore.

But Soviet was testing him on it, and Reich knew he was. So he had to do everything he could to get the Russian's dumb trust again.

He grumbled angrily as he stood in the kitchen. Soviet had left him in here for a while now, and told him to cut up some vegetables or something.

He was surprised that Soviet would let him hold a knife again, let alone tell him to. But this time the Russian wasn't here, so Reich had nothing to stab but the vegetables.

The German eventually finished cutting everything up and had set it all aside for later. But now he had to clean everything up which he really didn't want to do but he did it anyways.

He wobbled on his foot a bit as he walked around the kitchen. He was trying to learn everything he could about the room while he was there.

Soviet had that advantage on him, he knew the house, and Reich did not.

Every once in a while one of Soviet's many kids would show up. Rarely would one ask him a question, most of the time they just came in for a snack and then they left as quick as they came.

Reich could see one or two of them walking past the kitchen's entrance every once in a while, he wondered when one of them was going to be Soviet. But it never seemed to be him that walked by.

Reich sighed as he washed his hands, he needed Soviet here to start cooking the food, as he had only been prepping it. He wasn't sure what they were making, but they sure were making a lot of it.

The German eventually got his hands clean and went to dry them, but caught himself staring at something in the sink.

He blinked for a moment as he stared at the disposal. How dangerous the little machine could be.

He looked towards the entrance of the kitchen before looking back at it. But he wouldn't be stupid enough to hurt himself with it.

Reich shook his head, before turning away from the thing. He leaned against the sink counter for a moment, just looking off into the distance as his thoughts consumed him.

Could he possibly use it to hurt Soviet? How would he even do that? Maybe he could, but it was different now that his children were around.

He definitely didn't want to hurt himself with it. He could permanently lose his hand if he wasn't careful, and personally he would prefer leaving this place as unharmed as he could. Though he didn't think that that was possible.

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