24: An Eye for An Eye

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Warnings: ...Uh, yeah..

The room was cold, very cold.

Reich blinked, his head throbbing in pain. What happened?

Reich looked around the room, finding it completely dark besides some yellowish light that was coming from above him.

The German tried to lift his head up, but it was strapped down, in fact, his whole body was strapped down to the metal table he was laying on.

Reich paused for a moment, unsure what to do to, he was stuck, and hadn't seen a Soviet yet. Two things that worried him.

A couple minutes passed and a noise was heard. Reich looked across the room, finding a dark silhouette there.


The room was quiet for a moment, then footsteps where heard.

Reich tried to move his head again to get a better look at the other, but unfortunately he couldn't do so.

Reich wanted to say something else, but didn't feel like he should, as the Russian came closer into his view.

Though Reich couldn't see him well, he could see his face just enough to notice the bandages covering his eye.

"Why did you betray me?"

The Russian's voice croaked as he spoke, it almost sounded like he had been crying.

The room was quiet as Reich tried to look at the other. He didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything.

The Russian sighed and walked closer to the German, heading towards the end of the table Reich was stuck to.

"I trusted you darling, I really really trusted you."

Soviet shook his head for a moment, and looked down at the ground.

"Why would you hurt me? I though I was treating you well, I thought we where happy.."

Reich stared at the other man, he was a bit scared but tried his best to ignore it.

The Russian moved away for a moment, he grabbed something off of a near by table. He walked back to the Reich, and suddenly tied something around the middle of the German's calf.

After he did that, he proceeded to remove the other's shoe and sock. He was silent as he did so.

Reich watched him suspiciously, he didn't know why the Russian had tied something around his leg, let alone take off his shoe, but he was sure it couldn't be for anything good.

"Uh.. Sovie-"

The Russian shushed him, and held his mouth shut for a moment.

"This is going to hurt okay? Just try to stay quiet."

Reich looked at him worriedly, and continued to stare at him as he walked back to his foot.

The Russian walked away for a moment? walking into the darkness.

Reich couldn't see anything for a moment, his fear began to eat away at him as he was truly expecting the worst, but also wasn't sure what to expect.

He was about to say something, as he hadn't seen Soviet for a moment, but he suddenly couldn't speak. He could only stare, stare at the Russian in front of him. His eyes wide as he stared at what was in the Russian's hands.


But the Russian only shushed him again, and walked back to his leg, a shiny hack saw in his hands.

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