36: Say Yes to The Dress Pt.2

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Don't ask about the drawings- I drew them a long long while ago :0
Please- the cringe I will feel in ten years 😭

Don't ask about the drawings- I drew them a long long while ago :0Please- the cringe I will feel in ten years 😭

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(This one kinda nice tho- ⬆️)----------------------

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(This one kinda nice tho- ⬆️)

"So what are we looking for?"

Italy asked as the four countries walked, they were heading back to the pretty dress shop.

"For a dress." Soviet responded, as he held Reich's hand in his. His little German nodded after he spoke.

Italy gasped as they reached the opening of the store, "Wait! Wait! You two have been looking at wedding dresses!?"

Soviet stopped, though he wasn't too happy about it. "Yeah?" He didn't think it was that weird, they were shopping for their wedding after all.

"Is Reich wearing the dress?" The Italian asked.

"Yeah?" Soviet responded once more, where was this all going?

Italy paused suddenly before face palming, he huffed. "Please tell me you haven't seen Reich in a wedding dress yet."

The Russian didn't say anything, causing the Italian to sigh deeply. "You aren't supposed to see Reich in a dress until your wedding day! That's how it's supposed to work!"

Soviet looked a bit offended for a moment, it was his wedding, no one tells him what to do with his wedding. "Well I wasn't just going to let him go shopping alone-"

"-Well that's why we," he referred to himself and JE, "are here to help." Italy clapped his hands happily.

The Russian squinted at him confusingly, "What-?" but before he could finish his sentence Reich was suddenly pulled away from him, now that really pissed him off.

"We are taking Reich dress shopping to find him the perfect dress, and in the meantime you can go shopping for your other stuff." FI said proudly, he liked his idea a lot.

Reich glanced over at the Italian before looking over at Soviet. He stood in between his friends silently, he wasn't expecting to be yanked away from the Russian, but he also really didn't mind it.

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