3: Late Night

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Monday mornings are always the most irritating day to get through. Especially for Reich.

He stretched tiredly in his kitchen, back at it again with a warm drink for breakfast. His morning meals would differ from big feasts to nothing but water. Give or take the day.

He moved slowly, unexcited for the work day ahead. But eventually he reached his car and began his long drive to work.

The work building was nothing but a tall office building. Covered in windows, Reich and many others gathered around it daily to do something for something. The pay wasn't bad and that was the only reason Reich stayed there.

His day went on slow and boring as he filled out paper work after paper work and heard somethings about meetings. Just a bunch of business stuff.

He was eventually set free for his lunch break, he usually doesn't take one but his annoying friends had dragged him out of the building today.

So here he sat at some cafe with dumb and dumber waiting for his food to show up.

"I think she's lying."

Imperial Japan glared at the Italian.
"No way, if she was lying then-"

"Would you two shut up."
Reich glared at the two of them, they had been going at it since they left the building.
"Or I'll leave once our food gets here."

The two nodded at the German before violently glaring at each other. Mumbling insults at each other quietly. Reich rolled his eyes, these two acted like children, and it made him want kids even less.

He was stuck with the two idiots for the rest of the day. Even after work, for some reason he had decided to go the bar with them. Which was stupid since he didn't have much money to spare anyway.

Some other people from work where already there. The three of them sat at a circular table in a back corner. Reich watched his dumb coworkers come and go from the table. Some of them drunkenly asking about papers that where due and whatever else their poisoned minds could think of.

FI was playing a two player card game by himself and losing. JE was slowly sipping something and Reich hadn't touched his alcohol much.

"Reich drink, I already told you I would drive you home." Reich looked at her.

"JE, it's Monday. Why are we at a bar on a Monday?"

"Why is a bar open on a Monday?" The two looked at their much drunker friend. FI started drunkenly crying, he had lost his card game.

Reich spoke up over the music, "Maybe we should leave-"

"Hey there baby doll."

Reich felt himself cringe, almost like he had bitten into a lemon. He looked over at the guy who had just appeared next to them. His drink sitting on their table.

"Uhhh, can we help you?" JE spoke, looking at this man with a glare.

He hummed. "Well I was talkin' to your cute friend here-" Reich rolled his eyes. "But if your doing the talkin', how 'bout you give me his number then." The guy smirked.

JE and FI where more or less glaring at him.
Reich kept his eyes down, a bitter expression on his face.

JE was going to speak but FI spoke louder. "WhAt ya mean give youuu his Number?!" The guy seemed a taken back. "That nOt nooo nuMber to giVevv-" Italy drummed his hands on the table.

JE grew concerned but that didn't stop Italy from grabbing his two friend and dragging them out of their seats. "Let's GOooO! Andiamo! Correre!" The Italian yelled random words in his native tongue. Yelling all the way out the door.

Good thing they payed for their drinks when they ordered them. The guy at there table grumbled, glaring at them as they quickly escaped. Little did he know someone else was glaring at him.

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