38: Distant Bells Are Ringing

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This chapter's kinda goofy I ain't even gunna lie 💀
Enjoy anyways- thanks you for reading.

Reich grumbled quietly, despite the hours of sleep he had had, he still felt quite tired. He blinked his eyes open for a moment, yet he could not see anything.

The German moved his head around, though nothing changed. He tried to move his arms for a moment too, but found them tied?

The German sat, in what he assumed to be a chair, with his arms tied behind his back.

Reich shuffled, trying to get out of his bonds, he was quite confused about this situation he was in, but there was no doubt in his mind that this had something to do with that ratty Soviet.

As Reich tried to move his arms, and even kicked his legs a bit, he noticed the unfamiliar clothes on him, which made him pause as he did. He was even more confused now than before.

The German kicked his legs for a moment, trying to figure out what fluffy material was on him.

But he suddenly stopped, as he heard a door open. The German lifted his head towards the noise.

He heard a giggle, and immediately knew that voice. "Soviet, what are you doing?"

The Russian did not respond, yet Reich could hear his footsteps grow louder.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his face, and his blindfold was suddenly yanked off of him. Reich blinked rapidly, and was met face to face with a brightly blushing Soviet.

"Hello love." The Russian said calmly, a sweet and desiring look in his eyes.

Reich stared at him, and for a moment glance at what the Russian was wearing. It was some fine dark brown suit that the Soviet wore, alone with a white collar shirt under it, and with a dark brown tie.

"What's going on?" Reich stared at him intently.

Soviet giggled again and clapped his hands briefly. "Do you wanna guess?"

Reich stared at him confusingly before glancing down at himself. The strange material on him was none other than the dress he had picked out with JE and FI.

Reich quickly looked back up at the Russian, his eyes wide as he looked quite scared for a moment. He was panicking. "But- I thought this wasn't for another week-!?"

Soviet laughed loudly as he cut off his dear, he patted the German's head lightly. "I may have put the wrong date on the calendar, whoopies-" he continued to laugh for a moment.

Reich's mind quickly started to panic. No, no no! He was supposed to have at least another week! He didn't like talking about it, or looking at the Russian's calendar- as this dreadful day was circled brightly on it-

But he never expected the Russian to trick him like this. Soviet wanted to surprise him with this, and such a terrible surprise it was.

"Oh dear, don't look so frightened." The Russian giggled. "It'll all be okay!"

Reich continued to stare at the Russian as he turned away from him. The German shook lightly, this wasn't supposed to happen.

Soviet walked over to some little table, and picked something off of it before he turned and walked back over to his Reich.

The German had absolutely no idea where they were. He had never seen this room before.

It looked dated and old. A bit dusty here and there, though it appeared that someone had tried to clean it up a bit.

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