10: Another Kind of Work

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Warning: Uh- warnings.. yep

Soviet stomped his boot into the man's head, he continuously did so, even after the crunching had stopped.

The rapid stomping had created an unsettling noise as it echoed across the room loudly. It was almost a familiar thing to hear.

Finally he removed his foot from the broken skull, if you could even call it that anymore.

He rubbed his boot on the white tiles to remove some of the mushy brains and fluids from it, but it didn't help too much.

Liquids had been spilling out onto the floor, a red mess had exploded underneath what used to be the man's head.

After driving his love home, he had returned to the office building to finish the island off.

It wasn't difficult to get the man here, a simple punch to the face knocked him out cold.

All it took was some rope and the man was now trapped here.

Though the Russian wasn't able to hear his screams as he begged for his life, just seeing the man dead was enough for him.

He was currently located in the office's basement.

As the building had a built in bunker for emergency purposes. Full of food, supplies, sleeping areas, restrooms, and much more.

This was a great place for him to store his little prisoners. In jail for going near the love of his life.

He had stolen a key to unlock the basement door, no one seemed to notice the missing key, and no one seemed to care.

He laughed quietly as Shetland sobbed behind him. The other had been down here for almost a week now, gagged, and tied to a chair.

Sure, he could of killed the other already, but he though it would be more fun to keep him around instead.

He walked passed the crying island and went over to the supplies that he had brought with him. After finding his axe he went back over to Frisian's body and dragged it into one of the showers, as he was in the basement's strangely large bathroom.

He then began to chop the body into smaller sections.

Once everything was separated he turned on the shower and let the blood run off of what was left of the person.

Shetland was still crying as Soviet went through the two's phones. He was looking for their last friend's number, Orkney Island. The last member to complete their stupid trio.

He was honestly getting annoyed of the other's sobbing, but he wouldn't be killed next. No. Shetland hadn't actually done much to his Reich.

When Soviet had asked the other about his love, he barely understood who the Russian was even talking about. He didn't even know Reich's name in fact.

So if he continued to be good perhaps he would be set free, Soviet hummed, we'll see about that.

He walked over to the tied up island and squatted in front of him.

Shetland was shaking his head quickly, panic clear on his face. Soviet shushed him, and moved his hand to hold the other man's head. He squeezed it harshly, keeping it still."Shetland."

The other stopped moving and stared into the red man's eyes. His face flooded with tears. "Shetland, you need to calm down, okay?"

The other's breath became uneven rather quickly, he continued to cry, unable to control himself. Soviet sighed in annoyance. "Shetland.. do you want to live?"

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