19: Kidnapped?

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Reich groaned painfully.

His eyes, nose, and mouth all felt like they had been smushed into his skull.

He moved his hand up to touch his face, finding the skin to be tingly, and almost numb.

What happened? Where was he?

The German opened his eyes, feeling them pulse as he did. He winced as his face ached.

Eventually he was able to composed himself a bit, and moved away from the huge blanket he was under.

Reich popped his head out, feeling cool air hit his face. Goodness it was quite cold in here.

He shuttered and looked around the room he was in.

It was tidy and well kept.

The furniture looked.. oddly familiar to him, but he shrugged it off.

The German sat up carefully, unsure what to do. Where was he? How did he get here?

Come on Reich! Think! What was the last thing you remember?

'Okay.' Reich thought for a moment. 'I was with Soviet, in his car.. and then.. he hit me?'

Reich paused for a moment. Did Soviet really hit him? But Soviet wouldn't do that... Would he? Why? Was he the reason why he was here?

Reich scooted back under the blanket, feeling cold and worried. What should he do? Should he try to leave? But what exactly was going on?

He stuffed his face into the mattress, feeling confused and frustrated, It was unscented and felt very soft. Perhaps it's new.

He laid there for almost an hour before he suddenly heard something.

Reich glanced at the door, immediately noticing the lock on it, but that wasn't important at the moment.

He jumped as he watched the handle turn, wondering who was behind the door.

Was it Soviet? But who else could it be?

The German's eyes widened as the door opened, it was indeed the tall Russian, who smiled sweetly at him.

Reich coward under the blanket as Soviet stomped over to him like some brainless giant.

Reich paused as he felt the Russian's hand on his head, the other began petting him like he was some toy.

He shuddered hearing the Russian speak. "Good morning love." Reich cringed as his voice was deathly sweet. "Are you feeling alright?"

Reich looked up at the Russian, he was feeling quite uncomfortable to say the least.

Unsure on how to respond, Reich just nodded at the Russian. Feeling a bit frazzled.

Soviet awed at him and moved his hand from the other's hair to his chin, he gently rubbed the German's face. "Sorry for the bruises." He chuckled lowly. "Just think of it as a love tap."

Reich looked up and into the other's eyes. A Love tap? Really? Where love taps supposed to cause bruises?

The German nodded and looked away. So.. did Soviet kidnap him or something? Why?

Reich looked back at the Russian, who was still awing over him, smiling so incredibly brightly. He looked like a little kid who had just discovered a candy store.


"Yes love?"

Reich cringed again, hearing Soviet call him that was just weird.

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