26: An Unwanted Gift

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Reich listened as the window shuttered behind him, a terrible snow storm was brewing outside.

The German still had no idea where he was still, but he was sure that the Russian couldn't have taken him too far from his actual home.

The German sighed, hiding under the blankets.

He couldn't move, not with his injured foot he couldn't. If he could, he would have already been running around this place.

Soviet was gone, he had been since the morning, and Reich wasn't sure when he was getting back.

Not that he wanted him to come back, at all in fact. But there wasn't much he could do anymore without the Russian help.

Reich sighed, hitting his face into his pillow. What in the world could he do?

Hours pasted and Reich stayed in bed, completely bored out of his mind. He didn't want to sleep anymore, and wasn't sure what he should do at this point.

It was already pasted noon, and he was absolutely starving.

The German shut his eyes, ready to pass out from starvation, when the bedroom door was suddenly opened.

He jumped and looked at who ever opened it. Which was Soviet of course.

The Russian ran in, looking as happy as a bee to see him.

"I'm so sorry- I left you for so long darling!" The Russian practically yelled, as he gave Reich a little smooch and a crushing hug.

Reich pushed him away, glaring at him angrily.

But Soviet only smiled back at him, twiddling his thumbs, he was so excited he could barely stay put.

"I brought you a gift!"

Reich looked at the man, finally the other had said something that had gotten his attention.

"I got it just for you."

Please let it be chicken.

"I've been wanting to give it to you for a long time now."

Some KFC would be nice. Maybe some chicken nuggets.

"And I really can't believe I actually get to give it to you."

Maybe some McDonald's chicken nuggets? With the fries. Or maybe some wings-

Soviet moved onto his knee, so he was now face to face with the German.

"You know I really love you right?"

Sure you do, now where is the chicken?!

Soviet sighed deeply, "I really do love you."

Okay, whatever where is the food?

"And that's what makes this gift so special."

The Russian finally pulled out his 'special gift', Reich stared at it. That didn't look very edible.

Reich blinked at the Russian, an unamused look on his face, where was his food? That was not food.

The shiny ring in the Russian's hand sure was sparkly thought. The man had the biggest smile on his face, he almost looked dashing for a moment. He almost didn't look completely crazy.

"Darling, I know we already made it official." Ring or not, "But, will you still accept my gift?"



The Russian squealed happily and quickly took the German's left hand, he slid the ring onto his ring finger, it fit perfectly.

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