16: Mentally Unstable

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Soviet breathed heavily. But exhaustion was the last thing on his mind as adrenaline pumped through him.

He had done it.

The blood on his hands showed more brightly today than it had in weeks.

As soon as he was called by EU and UN, he knew what he had to do, and it was a good thing he did it.

There were officers there when he arrived, ready to take him away. He was being accused for someone's disappearance. It didn't matter who's, but what mattered was, that they were correct.

But he couldn't be taken. He wouldn't be taken so easily.

And he wasn't.

It was easy enough to distract EU and UN before the police found them.

So he did what he had to do.

And now, two new bodies laid in that room.

They put up the best fight, he had to admit, but he was still able to take them down. Which surprised him even.

But he had another task to do, and that was to find his honey bun.

He knew exactly where to look, his love's home of course. His mind was sprouting with joy at just the thought of it.

He had an odd feeling when he saw the house once more. It almost felt like this would be the last time he would be there, but he knew that wasn't true. And he wouldn't let it be true.

He stepped into the home, prepared for what he must do.

But his mind ticked as he saw Belgium in his love's house.

He didn't know what the other had done, or what he was planning to do.
But what Soviet did know, is that he would be dead in a matter of minutes, and he was.

Soviet didn't care about what he would use to do it, anything that would cause pain would work. So a simple chair seemed justified to him.

But even after the other man was dead, he didn't feel accomplished. But he knew why.

He looked up from the body to see Reich, standing at the door, absolutely petrified to see him.

He hadn't claimed his prize yet.

But as soon as he took a step forward, the German ran straight out the door.


Soviet ran to the door and was about to open it, but he paused.
He glanced down the hallway as a ladies voice echoed down the hall.

He walked towards his German's room, seeing that the emergency call was still airing.

He listened for a moment before ending the call. He needed to get out of there, and he needed to do it now.

Soviet powered off his love's phone and placed it in his pocket. He made his way back to the living room, making sure to step on the body as he left.

He hopped out of the living room window, and quickly made his escape.

It was still decently bright outside, bright enough to see the blood on his cloths.

He was a bit upset he didn't catch Reich.

He was the reason for all of this. All of this.

But now a new worry struck him.
Did his darling see him?

Sure he saw his silhouette. But his face? His stance? Did he recognize him?

Soviet's mind panicked. He hoped not, or did he?

It could be incredibly romantic if his darling still chose to be with him despite knowing his crimes. Or it could go completely south, and he could loose everything.

The Russian sighed, oh he could dream.

Soviet stomped his way home. Immediately showering and throwing his bloody cloths into the fireplace.

His German was playing games with him, and Soviet wasn't liking this game.

But Reich wasn't either, as he was currently sitting in a police station.

The German's breath was heavy as he shook.

He was very shaken up from both of the experiences he's had today.

First, he was nearly forcefully taken by a man he didn't even like, and then, second, he watch that man get beaten to death with furniture from his own home.

He had already been interviewed by the police, but he couldn't give that much information.

He hadn't seen the attacker's face, it was too dark, and he wasn't even thinking of that at the moment.

Currently, he was sitting in some sort of lobby, waiting for JE to pick him up.

The neko lady finally did, and Reich was so damn relieved when she showed up.

He wasn't going back to his own home at the moment. Definitely Not. Not only was it a crime scene, but he wasn't sure if the attacker would return there.

Luckily, Japan let him crash on her couch for the night.

Which is where he was now, all snuggled up in some blankets on her unfold-able couch bed.

"You okay Reich?"

Reich looked up at the neko, who had two bowls of soup in her hands, ready to give him one.

"Yeah.." he took one of the soups from her. "I think I'm okay, just not feeling well.."

"Mentally or physically?"


The lady hummed and sat down in a little couch that matched the couch Reich was sitting in.

"Any idea of what's gunna happen?"


Reich took a bite of the warm soup. "I have no idea what's gunna happen.."

The two continued to chatted for a couple of hours. The moon was finally showing itself, and this dreadful day was finally coming to an end.

Japan offered to take the dishes back to the kitchen, leaving Reich along in the living room.

"You got locks on your doors and windows right?"

The neko nearly laughed, but she knew the German was being serious. "Of course I do, and if someone tries to break in, I have an alarm system set up. So we'll be notified before they even get in."

Reich nodded and leaned back into the sofa, still feeling paranoid. What if someone actually breaks in? What if the alarm doesn't go off?

He blinked as he suddenly felt some pats on his head. Though it deeply reminded him of Soviet, it was Japan who was doing it.

"Try not to worry too much about it Reich." She smiled at him. "I'll stay down here for the night. We can have some sort of slumber party."

Reich nodded, feeling odd as the lady's hand left his head.

Japan ran upstairs for a moment, leaving Reich to his thoughts again. He wondered where his phone went, the police offers said they hadn't found any phone there, and that perhaps they would try to ping its last location.

Did that psycho take it?

The German sighed and rubbed his face with his hands.

He just wanted to sleep at this point, that's all he wanted, for this crazy day to end.

But something in the back of his mind was telling him, that this wouldn't be the last time he would see that murderer again.

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