8: Drunken Minds

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About a week past since the 'date' night.

Soviet watched his phone every single second he could. He was so tempted to text Reich. So so so soooo tempted.

He hadn't done it yet. Only because his brain was telling him not to. He couldn't rush this, no, he needed to take his time. But his heart was hurting him. It hurt him so bad. He just wanted to run to his Reich and hug and cuddled him until he was suffocating from his love.

Soviet could only dream.

He saw Reich and his friends everyone once in a while around the office. Since he was the farthest, he had to go over to them to see them. Making his life even more difficult.

He just wanted his little German right now. He wanted him so badly. He just wanted Reich to love him. To tell him he was doing so well at earning his love, that someday they would be married and would be living happily ever after.

But this was an office building, not Disney land, so he was stuck with little hope at the moment.

He laid his head on his arms, watching his phone carefully. He was incredibly focused on it, but eventually felt himself sniffle and he hid his head in his arms.

Was Reich ever going to text him? Ever!? It had been days! He wasn't sure how much longer he could take this.

Soviet sighed. Just calm down. I'll go visit him tonight. Soviet hummed at the idea, I'll go visit him and- beep beep.

The Russian shot up, and stared at his phone. He didn't imagine that, right?

He gently picked up his phone and nearly screamed. His Reichie Reich had texted him!

Hey Soviet! Are you free tonight? JE, FI, and I where going to go drinking, and we wanted to know if you wanted to join.

'Okay Soviet. Don't panic- how can I not panic?! What do I say, yes- well of course yes!' Soviet hit his head on his desk. He grumbled. He needed to calm down and focus.

Soviet banded his head on his desk again. Seriously! 'Sure' that's so boring. Soviet your so stupid- okay- Come on! Let's just fix this.

What time?

Okay! Okay! Soviet breathed. 'I kinda fixed it.' His heart banged in his chest. He sighed. Okay. Drinks tonight.

'I can protect Reich and watch him when he's all cute and wasted. Yeah. Okay. I just needs some more information. And then it will be all good.'

Soviet eventually got everything that he needed and it was settled. He was going out again with Reich and his friends. He really wished it was just him and Reich but it would take some time before that could happen.

He hummed softly as he entered the building. This was a different bar from the last one he had seen Reich at. That jerk from that last bar must of really bothered him. Soviet was even more glad that he had gotten rid of him.

He spotted FI and JE sitting at a table in the middle of the packed room. Soviet was almost impressed the two had been able to get a table. Especially on a busy Friday night.

He walked over to them, they noticed him and waved. Soviet took a seat. "Where's Reich."

JE looked at him, "Oh he just went to the restroom, he'll be back soon."

Soviet nodded. Italy was shuffling a pack of cards. "Is someone driving or are we just winging it?"

JE hummed, "Not sure, me or Reich usually drive. What about you?"

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