30: The Russian Household

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Reich sat silently, listening to the car groove as Soviet drove it to who knows where.

His feet swayed under him gently, as of course, they couldn't reach the ground. Soviet had to have the world's biggest truck just to fit his overly large self. The stupid thing was massive like dang okay.

"Is this really necessary?"

He asked tiredly. They had been driving for what seemed to be hours, and he couldn't see a thing.

"Yes darling."

Reich grumbled and reached his hands up, ready to take this stupid blindfold off, but his hands where yanked down before he could.

"We're almost there Reichy, just wait a little bit longer, okay?"

Reich tried his best not to snap back at the other.

"Okay Soviet."

Almost another hour pasted and Soviet finally came to a stop.

Reich jumped a bit when he heard the other put the car in park, and take his own seatbelt off.

Reich tried to look around, but he couldn't see anything still. "Can I take this blindfold off now?"

Soviet paused for a moment before responding, "Yes dear."

Reich was about to take it off himself but Soviet beat him to it. He moved his hands away when he felt the other's touch his face.

Not a second later Reich's blindfold was off, he blinked, trying to adjust to the new lighting.

The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was Soviet unfortunately, he moved his head away almost immediately and looked out the window, finding the world still covered in snow.

But at least it looked different. At least he was in a different place. A very different place it seemed.

Soviet got out of the car and so did Reich. Though Reich struggled a bit as the truck was so high up, it was difficult to not put too much pressure on to his foot from where he was.

But eventually he got out, and the two walked over to the front door of the very big house.

Reich could only guess it was Soviet's actual house. And he was sure that the Russian was very happy to finally have him here. Very happy he was indeed.

The two stood on the porch, Reich waited impatiently for Soviet to open the door. While Soviet was too excited to stand still.
He struggled for a moment to open the door, as he was shaking so much.

He was bouncing on the balls of his feet. He was over joyed with having his love here. You could practically see the excitement radiating off of him as he unlocked the door.

He couldn't wait for his dear to meet his kids. They could really start becoming a family together. He could barely wait.

Soviet eventually got the door open, and pulled his Reichy with him inside as soon as he did.

Reich was surprised by the grab and nearly fell when Soviet pulled him into the house. He hissed lowly, feeling his foot drag against the floor as he was yanked, that was not a good feeling.

Soviet locked the door again once him and his love were inside.

Reich spent the small moment looking around the hallway they were in. This house was a whole lot better looking than the other one he was in, and a whole lot bigger too.

It took Reich a moment but after looking around the furnished hallway a bit he finally noticed a set of eyes staring at him. He blinked when he saw them, for they were not Soviets. But a child's.

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