35: Say Yes to The Dress

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Reich grumbled as he glanced over at Soviet from his seat.

Earlier that morning he had been abruptly awakened by the Russian. The man seemed to be excited about something and was eager to get Reich and himself out of the house as soon as possible.

Reich did not have time to eat, leaving him very hungry.Though he was able to shower and get some clean clothes on. And Soviet decided it was the perfect time to change the bandages around his hand, and to clean the wound properly.

Reich still couldn't bring himself to look at his damaged hand, he knew it looked bad, he could feel how bad it was. So he didn't look, and let Soviet do all the work to try to fix them. Even though he knew that wasn't very possible.

As soon as all that was settled, and he was deemed ready for the outside world, Soviet pushed him out of the house and into his car immediately. A bright smile on his face as he did.

Reich still had no idea where they were going, and nothing about the outside world could help him figure it out.

Soviet was driving carefully, as he would kill himself if he ever got his love hurt, on accident of course.

Reich was looking out the window from the front seat of the car, but would glance over at Soviet every once in a while.

Soviet typically glanced back at him, and would smile at the German as soon as they made eye contact.

The snow outside was getting thinner, as less had been falling. Spring would show up soon and Reich could barely believe that he had been stuck with this stupid Russian for that long.

Soviet kept on driving for a while longer before he finally came to a stop at what seemed to be some humongous shopping area.

Reich stared off at the place from his seat, he was so distracted by the many stores in front of him that he didn't even notice that Soviet had already left the vehicle.

By the time he did notice his door was almost immediately opened, making him nearly jump out of his seat.

Soviet chuckled at his scared face before pulling him out of the car.

Reich stood next to Soviet for a moment as the Russian locked the car, and soon enough he took the German's hand into his and began walking off towards the shopping center.

Reich thought silently as they walked, wondering where exactly they were going and what they were going to buy.

Soviet seemed very excited to be there, and surely he was as he was going to be spending the entire day there with his Reichy. But Reich could only think about getting something to eat at the moment. And he wasn't very excited about spending his day with Soviet, like he had been doing almost every day, since he had been kidnapped.

They were getting closer to the building when Soviet suddenly glanced down at the Reich, "Darling?"

Reich glanced over at him before sighing, he really didn't feel like dealing with the Soviet today. "Yes Soviet?"

"Don't try to talk to anyone, okay?" The Russian squeezed his hand tightly, Reich grimaced and was thankful that the Russian wasn't holding his injured hand.

"Okay Soviet."

The two waddled off into the busy shopping area that was overwhelmingly full of people.

Reich found himself moving closer to Soviet just so he wouldn't get stomped over by the crowds of people.

Eventually the two reached their first destination of the day. A jewelry shop.

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