39: A Dreadful Honeymoon

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Reich shook terribly, the floorboards creaked under him as he stumbled.

He could barely stand, as tears streamed down his face and clouded his vision. But he kept on moving.

Slowly he walked, ready to collapse at any moment. But he was so close to reaching it, he just had to go a little bit further.

The German nearly tripped, everything seemed to hurt at the moment. And he couldn't get himself to lift the blanket that he had wrapped around himself off of the floor. He'd rather stumble over it, as he probably wouldn't be able to lift it up anymore. He felt too weak to do so.

Through many tears and much pain the German eventually reached where he desperately needed to be.

His hand shook as he reached for it, and eventually he was holding a little landline phone that was on the wall in his hands.

The German paused for a moment as a sob tried to escape him, but he kept his mouth shut, he couldn't make any noise right now. He couldn't wake Soviet right now.

He tried his best to stand for just a moment longer as the phone in his hand began to ring.

But he could feel something dark come over him, a terrible feeling in his gut that made him sick. An absolutely horrible feeling that was piercing through him, as he could feel someone watching him.

Reich stood strong still, though his body continued to shiver. He kept his eyes on the ground, but his ears open. As he listened to the ringing phone, and the growing footsteps behind him.

Reich blinked suddenly, his tears dried from his face as he paused. There was a pressure on his back that wasn't there before, a terribly cold breath going down his neck.

"911, what's your emergency?"

The German was frozen where he stood, completely still as he could feel the dreadful presence behind him, and he could feel them move.

Suddenly, a large hand gently wrapped around his, and slowly the phone was taken away from him, and hung back up on the wall.

The German shuttered as another hand reached for his waist. He kept his head low, as tears threatened to spill once more. He could feel the Russian's heavy breath down his neck still.

"Let's go back to bed, dear."

Reich wanted to shake his head. To say no. To plead with the other to let him go. But his words would be no use. As Soviet would take him back anyways.

He couldn't help but let his tears finally fall again, his mind crying out to him so horribly loud. What did he do to deserve this hell?

JE stomped around angrily, her mind was frazzled as she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do.

"JE, um. Maybe just try calming down...?" Italy said shyly, as he sat in a chair, near many other chairs.

"CALM DOWN!" The Japanese country yelled at him, "Reich is missing! And it's all that stupid Russian's fault! Who knows what horrible things he's doing to him! How can I calm down!?"

Italy blinked at her for a moment before deciding it would be best if he didn't respond.

Japan only continued to grumble nothings to herself as she paced around the white room.

Currently they were at the police station, they had been here for a while now, and weren't allowed to go home until some 'investigation' was done.

UN was at the hospital, as he had been shot. But luckily, JE and FI were okay, as okay as they could be after that situation.

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