28: Reich's Scheme

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Reich sat in the living room quietly, staring down at the book in his hands. He couldn't get himself to focus on it, so by now he had just been staring off into the distance. Doing absolutely nothing.

Soviet had disappeared on him once more, but this time, instead of it being the morning, it happened this afternoon, surprisingly.

Soviet had just gotten up and left, something Reich had never seen before. But he probably shouldn't be doing that if he expected them to become a dumb family or something. Like he couldn't just get up and go get some milk whenever he wanted to-

But here he was doing that.

He left Reich alone on the couch. His foot was better, but not great. Perhaps he could limp on it more soon, but not yet. Definitely not yet.

But Reich had other things to focus on other than that. Like escaping this boring place.

He had some ideas, but with his injury they seemed more like daydreams than anything.

He did have one idea he could try. But it made him feel gross every time he thought about it.

He had been thinking about trying to 'pretend' to give into Soviet and his tactics.

The idea being that if he acted all lovey dovey to the Russian, that he could convince Soviet that he some how, for some reason, wanted to be with him.

Kinda wonky, but he wasn't sure what else he could do anymore.

But if he could get Soviet to believe that he had actually started to fall in love with him, then he could escape. He could get away before their wedding day.

Reich sighed, falling onto the couch. If he was going to leave this place, he needed Soviet's help. There was no way around it.

It really seemed like he was going to have to play 'pretend' with the Russian just so he could get out of this place.

But he was going to have to wait on that. Perhaps he just needed good timing. That's what he needed, right? The German shook his head for a moment. He just needed to figure out how to do it.

And that's exactly what he was thinking about all week, and for the days following it.

But eventually he saw his opportunity, or perhaps he was just getting tired of waiting and was becoming desperate.

They were in the bedroom, as Soviet wanted to look at his foot again or something. Maybe he had a foot fetish, hopefully not like please- no-

He hissed lowly as Soviet moved his foot. The other was just supposed to be giving him new bandages, not doing all this extra crap.

Reich grumbled as Soviet moved his foot again. His patience was running thinner by the second. He was done with Soviet trying to play doctor.

"Soviet! Quit it! That hurts you idiot!"

Reich jumped a bit as he yelled at Soviet, trying to get out of his hold.

The Russian looked up at him, he looked unamused. "Darling I'm almost done. I just need to give it a good check up."

"No!" Reich tried to get out of the Russian hold, and nearly kicked Soviet in the face. "You're not a doctor, and you keep on hurting me!" Reich yelled at the other.

Soviet sighed deeply. He was just trying his best. "Love, I'm just trying to help. Don't you want to be able to walk again?"

Reich didn't respond to that, he instead continued to kick Soviet away from him the best he could, and quickly went to hide under the covers of the bed.

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