11: Goodnight

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Soviet washed his hands silently. The water running the blood off of his rough fingers smoothly.

He had been busy, too busy to see his Reich. But everything was for him. All of this was for him.

He dried his hands and got back to the drawing board. He had made a great amount progress with his friendship with Reich. If only he could confess, but he wasn't at that stage yet.

He needed to be careful. If he did it too early then he would loose everything, he couldn't risk that. Not after all of his planning and work.

But his heart ached. He couldn't keep telling himself to wait.

He needed him.

So he was out tonight, walking down the dimly lit street to his dear's house. He didn't have time to do his usually routine. If he did, he would of already been in the German's home.

The Russian smiled dreamily seeing the house come into view.

Once he got close enough he began venturing into the German's yard. He moved quickly as he circled the home.

Eventually he got to the window he was looking for and peaked in.

His little German was fast sleep, facing away from the him.

Soviet bit his lip in anticipation and began unlocking the window. A smile burned into his face as he did so.

Soviet had been kinda smart with this one actually.

This window used to be useless to him. He would use it for spying on his dear of course, but that was until he flipped it.

It took him almost a full day to do so, but thankfully Reich was out of the house when he did.

Now the German believed that the window was either broken or unable to be unlocked. But it was just turned around, so Soviet could unlock and lock it for himself.

Soviet quietly opened the window and gently stepped into the small room. He was careful with his steps and made sure to close the window once he was inside.

He looked around the room slowly. Nothing had changed, expect for the fact that room was a bit messy, but besides that it was all the same.

After his observation Soviet walked over to the sleeping man.

The Russian beamed seeing him, so peaceful, so elegant. Like a real sleeping beauty he stole the Russian heart.

Soviet gently ran his hand through the other hair. It was wonderfully soft as always.

Eventually Soviet stopped doing that and just watched his dear sleep.

He laughed quietly as his love slept like a log. He must of had an exhausting day.

But Soviet was getting tired of standing there so he went to kiss his love on the cheek.

He gave him a couple of kisses but had to stop himself as the German had begun to shuffle from the touch.

But he didn't wake up.

Instead he snuggled deeper into his pillow. Soviet though it was just adorable.

He spend a good while just standing there, admiring his love as he sleep.

But eventually he noticed a shift in Reich's expression, he looked uncomfortable for a moment. Soviet watched him intently, he paused, the German was going to wake up.

Soviet quickly moved himself under the bed. It wasn't a good hiding spot at all, but it was all he had at the moment.

He typically couldn't hide in the German's room, as there wasn't any good places for him to do so.

But he laid under the bed nonetheless, watching his feet carefully as they where nearly peeking out at the end.

He was trying to get comfortable when he suddenly heard a noise and went completely still. The bed above him creaked and some quiet mumbling followed.

Soviet's eyes shifted to the side of the bed where he saw two little red feet appear, he was standing there only moments ago.

He watched the German silently as he walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

Soviet waited there for a while, and eventually the German came back and hopped into the bed. Soviet listened as his dear snuggled back into his sheets.

He would be stuck here for a good while...

Almost two hours had passed, Soviet nearly fell asleep multiple times as he listened to the soft snores of his love.

He dreamed to be in bed with him. To cuddle and kiss his dear until they both fell asleep sounded wonderful.

But sadly Soviet had to stop his dreaming as he needed to get going.

So he slid out from under the bed carefully, he felt his body ache as he had been stuffed in the cramped space.

He stretched and groaned quietly as he heard his back crack. But smiled as he could see his love from the floor, sleeping peacefully once more.

He sadly couldn't stay here any longer as his time was running out. So he stood up speedily, and gave his love one last kiss before making his way out the window again.

He closed and locked the window. And began his way into the deep dark night once more.

Soooo- people having been saying soviet reminds them of Peter from Your Boyfriend. I didn't know what this game was so I did some research and uh...
yeah you guys are right.

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