One: Panic.

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A series of ransomware threats leads to an overabundance of emergencies for the 118, including a medevac helicopter crash at a hospital and an air-traffic control tower system failure. Meanwhile, Ashleigh must revisit her traumatic attack when the case of the realtor serial rapist goes to trial being the only witness brave enough to come forward. Eddie suffers a health scare and Maddie's postmortem depression worsens.

A road was covered with cars and a few fire trucks...

The 118 walked between cars, making their way down the road

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The 118 walked between cars, making their way down the road.

Buck stared at Ashleigh, then looked around him.

Hen and Ashleigh's faces scrunched up, hearing squawking coming from beside them.

They slowly walked past as the animal stared at them.

"Okay. Just keep moving. Nice and easy." Bobby tells them.

They continued walking between cars slowly, keeping their eyes peeled.

"Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho." Ashldigh mumbled, bumping into Chimney and Eddie.

They all stared at the giraffe, and Chimney and Ashleigh's mouths opened, staring at it.

Ashleigh slowly looked over at Eddie, and Eddie shook his head.

They continued walking, then stopped seeing camels.

Something metal fell behind them, and the hall jumped, spinning around.

"For some reason, I really thought this year would be different." Ashleigh whispered, staring at the elephant.

" Ashleigh whispered, staring at the elephant

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*One week earlier...*

Chimney was at home with Jee, and Maddie came out of the bedroom...

"I'm so sorry. I overslept." Maddie says.

"It's okay. Me and Jee-Yun were just having some breakfast together. Pureed pears. You missed out." Chimney muttered, putting some into Jee's mouth.

"I'm sure I will get to see it in a couple of hours. I can't believe I slept through your alarm." Maddie says.

"Yeah, I figured that was a sign I should let you sleep in. When's your next appointment with Dr. Bolsaro?" Chimney asked.

"This afternoon. Then Jee and I are gonna have lunch with Josh. All of which you already knew." Said Maddie.

"I also know you've been really tired lately, ever since they switched you to duloxetine. Thought it might be a side effect. Maybe you should..." Chimney says.

"Please don't. Look, I know you really want to fix this, but it's not your job. You don't need to spend your time worrying about me." Maddie mumbled.

"Making sure you and Jee-Yun are happy and healthy is my most important job. So you can tell me not to worry, but I'm not sure I know how to do that." Chimney tells Maddie.

"I'll... I'll talk to the doctor, I promise." Maddie murmured.

"Good. Okay. I should get to work. You guys have a good day, huh? Love you." Chimney murmured, kissing Jee's head. "Love you."

"Love you, too." Maddie said.

"Hey. You know it won't be like this forever. It's gonna get better." Chimney said.

Maddie picked Jee up from the high chair.

"Yeah. Of course it is." Maddie says.

At the firehouse, Eddie and Ashleigh played pool...

"So it's pretty serious, then." Ashleigh muttered, plotting a ball.

"I don't know what you mean." Eddie says.

"Well, you're meeting her parents. I mean, it can't be any worse than when Buck met mine. Not even Athena's, Bobby." Ashleigh says, smiling softly.

"We're meeting everybody. Her parents, her tios, her tias, and her primos. Her whole family's gonna be there. It's a baby christening." Eddie said, exhaling sharply and taking his turn.

"Which sounds pretty serious." Said Ashleigh.

"It's not like it's Ana and Eddie's baby, Ash." Hen says.

"That's right, Baby Gilbert. What are we talking about?" Chimney asked, walking over with Buck.

"Ana's sister's having a baby. Chris and I got invited to the christening next Sunday." Eddie tells them.

"You and Chris at the christening? That sounds serious." Buck said, putting some popcorn in his mouth.

"Don't encourage her, Buck. It's not. Not the way Ash is making it sound." Eddie said.

"So you don't like her?" Ashleigh asked, tilting her head.

Eddie stared at Ashleigh.

"Ed, it's the next step. You know, she's showing you off to the entire family." Ashleigh murmured, snickering lightly.

Eddie stared at Ashleigh, and Hen looked between them, seeing Eddie's chest rise and fall slightly, furrowing her brows.

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