[6] Friends or Foe

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Don't become so nice in this world where everyone around you is wearing masks to fool you. Demons are sometimes real. Usually, they live inside us. But sometimes, they are around us. In this case, this demon is currently ruling the country.

Lilith sighed deeply as she gazed upon the lifeless body of the noble she had slain. Using the sharp edge of her sword, she meticulously carved butterfly wings into its back. Typically, she only left small carvings on the bodies of her victims. But in the intensity of her anger at that moment, she spent extra time on it.

"Something's strange..." she halted her carving. "It's like I'm not getting tired tonight. Like I'm not running out of strength." She muttered to herself.

After she killed the Seige family, chaos further ensued in the town. It was inevitable that the palace would be shaken, especially since the Seige family was in charge of the new weapons and arms being sent there.

On the other hand, she couldn't help but feel pleased, especially since everything was going according to her plan. To catch the king's attention and start to overthrow his selfish rule.

She heard rustling in the darkness. She adjusted the cloak covering her face and started to feel her surroundings. She quickly ran behind a large tree and began to scan her surroundings.

A cold breeze blew. Again, she heard the rustling. She strained her eyes to make out the dark foliage. Light peeked through from the full moon. She felt movement to her left and swiftly aimed her sword at her face.

A metallic object collided with her weapon. She quickly dodged subsequent attacks from the darkness and started to retreat from her hiding spot.

"You're too cowardly to attack from the shadows," she taunted before flames flowed onto her palm. She immediately threw it towards the figure moving in the darkness.

She glimpsed its evasion. She quickly recoiled as she saw the metal blades heading towards her position. She managed to deflect some, but due to the successive throws, she couldn't avoid being grazed by one of them.

She felt a chill in her feet. She furrowed her brow, trying to move herself from where she stood.

"Fuck, another noble?"

She let the fire flow onto her sword and swung it towards the forming ice at her position. She almost cursed as she was grazed again on her arm. Blood trickled from her wound, and she quickly staunched it.

From left and right, she heard rustling. When the moonlight peeked through the thick clouds, she discerned two figures before her.

"You must be the rumored assassin in the palace," she heard a familiar voice.

Fear coursed through her system. She tightened her grip on her wound and blinked rapidly.

"This can't be." It felt like she had been doused with cold water when she saw their faces.

"Are you okay, Kat?" a man beside the voice asked.

"Her fire won't work on my water, Julio," the companion sneered.

"What the actual fuck." She tightened her grip on her weapon. All she could hear was her heart pounding. It seemed like everything came rushing back to her as she saw their familiar faces.

She forced herself to calm down. She straightened her posture and raised her head as she faced them, tightening the cloak covering her face.

"And who might you two be?" She tried to steady her voice amidst the anxiety.

"Us?" the girl glanced at her male companion. "We're here to assassinate the assassin."

"So, we're assassins now? I thought we were Knights of Cornelia," the young man laughed.

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