[17] Glimpse of light

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Xavier couldn't fathom what he should do at that moment

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Xavier couldn't fathom what he should do at that moment. All he could do was watch the confrontation between Markeus and Lilith, using dark magic. He could feel the ground shake with each attack they unleashed. The dark shadows around them gradually faded as the king was struck.

He quickly grasped the nearest crumbling wall as the ground cracked due to Lilith's intense magic.

He heard a gasp behind him. Turning, he saw Julio's shocked face. Katrina, meanwhile, looked up at the sky, trying to make out what was happening. Behind them, several elderly people could be seen, their clothes torn and their bodies scarred in places.

He hurried over to them and noticed that not just one, but almost ten people were following Julio and Katrina. He smiled faintly as he saw Markeus and Lilith rescue the prisoners from the Zero Zone.

"Lord Xavier, what's happening? Why is the damage here so severe?" Julio asked in astonishment.

"Wait," the girl beside him murmured. "Is that Avery I see? What happened, why... can she also use dark magic?" Her eyebrows furrowed as she turned to him.

Both of them instinctively gripped the wall again as the ground trembled once more. Some of the elderly behind them lost their balance, startled by the shaking.

"Lord Xavier?"

"I don't know how all this happened, but I think there's a demon hiding within Lilith's body," he explained.

Katrina widened her eyes and stared at him, mouth agape in shock. "A demon? How? Why?"

"Long story," he began, retrieving a concealed weapon from under his clothes. "The nun at the church explained to me what could happen. I never fully believed it would come true because we weren't sure if it was all just speculation."

"Wait, why do you have a broken weapon? Please don't tell me that's what you're going to use?" the girl questioned.

He smiled at her and tightly gripped the sword's hilt. All that remained was the golden handle, its blade broken off without any sharpness. He had kept it for a long time as the last piece of memory he had from his parents.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing," they both turned to the old man while watching the battle not far away. "The princess is still alive, but what happened to her?"

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