[14] Lightning strikes

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A loud lightning strike thundered in the sky, and thick clouds began to form

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A loud lightning strike thundered in the sky, and thick clouds began to form. The flashes of lightning were visible, all circling in the direction of the king's hand. One by one, deafening bolts of electricity struck the ground, and Lilith frantically avoided some of them.

Lilith lost her balance and rolled before hiding behind the nearest wall. She gripped her injured arm tightly and peered out to see what was happening outside. She noticed that the clash between Xavier and Julio had also ceased due to the terrifying bolts hitting the ground.

She bit her lip upon seeing the devastation around her. The lightning had scarred the earth, and some walls had shattered into pieces. Even some nearby houses had started to catch fire, causing chaos among the residents of Cornelia.

"Damn, Markeus hasn't done a single good thing!" she exclaimed angrily before picking up her weapon again and stealthily running from wall to wall.

She prepared for a surprise attack. She had spent ten years seeking revenge for her father's death, dedicating all her time to training alone with swords and magic in anticipation of this day.A red light appeared in her palm, forming a red line that began to circle her hand. The light flickered, and a fireball started to take shape. Without hesitation, she aimed it at the king's location, unleashing a powerful explosion.

Her eyes widened when a bolt of electricity emerged from the thick smoke. She instinctively blocked the surprise attack with her fire. The explosion's force sent a strong wind that pushed her body back.

She coughed heavily as she fell to her knees on the ground. She hadn't managed to block the attack properly, and the powerful blast had hit her hard. She tasted her blood and immediately spat it onto the ground.

"Get out of the way!" Xavier shouted.

She couldn't move from her kneeling position. She was stunned when a bolt of electricity struck from the sky. She was temporarily deafened and almost paralyzed. She screamed in pain and braced herself with her sword on the ground.

"Damn it!"

Dizzy and reeling, she bent over, struggling to maintain her grip on the sword embedded in the ground. She could still feel the tremors crawling through her body and the labored breaths escaping her lips. It was clear he intended to kill. He wouldn't allow her to regain her footing and continually followed up with fresh attacks.

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