[1] Night Raid

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Xavier's every step was swift as he traversed the wide corridor. Armed with his weapon, he made his way towards the central part of the palace. It was noon by the time he received disturbing news, leaving him with no time to waste in relaying it to his superior.

Upon opening the large door, he was met with furrowed brows and a serious expression. Not far away, he noticed a young man sitting, who dropped the paper he had been reading

"Didn't I tell you I don't like being disturbed when I'm busy?" irritation was evident in his voice.

Xavier bowed slightly as a sign of respect before facing him again. "Forgive me, King Markeus, but this news cannot wait." His gaze met the king's sharp stare as he leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. "I've received word from the guards stationed in the north. The Fiore palace is amassing troops for their planned invasion of Cornelia. I believe it's not just a mere threat; they've been preparing for this for two weeks now."

The king slammed his fist on the table, causing some papers and his pen to fall to the floor. "They truly have the audacity," he muttered. "Summon the strongest of Cornelia and prepare them. We'll show them who they're up against."

He bowed to the king once again. "As you wish, Your Majesty, Markeus."

The anger was evident on the king's face as Xavier turned and began to walk away. He could still hear the king slamming his fist on the table once more.

Two weeks ago, they received a threat from the kingdom of Fiore, expressing their desire to conquer Cornelia. They had been receiving threats from that palace for the past ten years since the news of King Argus's death broke out. Amidst the palace's weakness and lack of personnel, it was the easiest way for them to be overthrown. It was not surprising that others would want to conquer it as well, given the problems faced in the capital.

But even though their palace lacked personnel, they still had a few skilled fighters among their ranks.

"Summon Michael's group and have them come here immediately," he ordered a soldier.

"Yes, sir," the soldier replied before hastily running off.

From where he stood, he gazed down at the lower part of the palace. He saw the citizens below and their normal way of life. He couldn't help but remember the old Cornelia under King Argus's rule. But everything changed since his disappearance. And since then, the palace struggled to recover from the crisis. All his life, he and his family served Cornelia. He couldn't allow it to be conquered by another palace. If that were to happen, their subjects would suffer even more.

There were already too many problems in the palace, and it wouldn't be good if more were added.

"Lord Xavier," Michael's voice interrupted him from behind. He turned to look at him. "You sent for us."

"What I have to say is important, so I need you to start preparing from today," he said seriously. "It seems the day we feared for Cornelia has come. Fiore is taking steps to conquer the palace."

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