[21] Thorns

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As one navigates the journey of life, the effects of karma become apparent in the myriad changes that unfold. The seeds that were sown in the past blossom into experiences, relationships, and circumstances, guiding us along the path of our destiny.

Six months had passed since the turmoil in Cornelia began. Many changes had occurred in the kingdom, especially in the lives of its people. The lady walked carefully towards the balcony, not accustomed to the high-heeled shoes she wore, taking each step cautiously.

Xavier couldn't help but smile when he noticed her slow pace, so he quickly approached her and took her hand. Startled, she turned to him and looked at the arm linked to hers.

The vibrant hue of her attire commanded attention, drawing every eye in the room to her graceful figure. With a gentle tilt of her head, she effortlessly captured the essence of royalty. The red gown draped around her seemed to embody her strength and grace, a symbol of her noble lineage and unwavering spirit.

"I'll walk with you," he whispered into her ear. "I'll always walk with you." He whispered seductively, as if they existed in their private universe.

He could see how her face flushed before she looked away from him. He couldn't help but laugh as he supported her as she walked. It was a precious moment for him to know that she was still there, standing still. He never thought that day would come or that he wouldn't be able to see her stern expression.

He felt her elbow him but he just pulled her closer to him. "Don't mess around, Lilith. If you fall, you will be caught." He laughed again.

"Stop talking about what you are saying, Xavier!" she whispered, frustrated while continuing to walk.

"As you wished your majesty."

He immediately went to the edge of the balcony. He observed the astonishment in her eyes upon realizing the crowd eagerly awaiting her appearance from the second floor of the palace. Stepping aside from the Knights of Cornelia, he greeted them with a smile.

"Xavier is on the verge of falling and breaking the Lord's lips." Katrina insinuated, looking at where the princess was.

He automatically cleared his throat and stood up. He ignored the implication and pretended not to hear it. He heard her weak laugh before she also adjusted her standing position.

"That was the day when Cornelia would have a new beginning.  A day they never expected would come. He noticed Lilith's deep sigh as she stared at the piece of paper in front of her.

"People of Cornelia," There was a long silence as she began to speak. "First and foremost, I thank you for your strength over the past years. I am Avery Remington, and I ask for forgiveness for all the anger, pain, and suffering you have endured in the past years." The young woman bowed gently in front of the crowd.

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