[4] Consequences

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A week had passed since Xavier and Lilith last met

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A week had passed since Xavier and Lilith last met. During that week, the entire palace remained quiet, except when the king was in a foul mood. He couldn't sit still, as he was unsure about the next steps for the lady. Despite having been with her for years, he still couldn't relax when faced with decisions he had no clue about.

Restless, he covertly glanced at his watch. Even though he had been training the palace guards all day, his mind seemed to wander far.

"Has the king not returned yet?" he asked the guard on the left.

"Not yet, Lord Xavier," came the respectful reply. "I believe the damage caused by the fire at the Seige mansion is severe. Some equipment used in weapon-making was also destroyed."

"In that case, there might be a shortage in our weaponry as well," he muttered to himself.

"I think the same person attacked both the Knights of Cornelia and the Seige mansion because the victims had the same mark on their bodies."

"The butterfly?" the guard nodded in agreement.

He remained silent, deep in thought. He believed the king wouldn't let this pass, especially now that the palace's armory was attacked next. He wasn't sent to that place either; instead, the king himself went to see what had happened.

"What plan does Lilith have now, and why is she acting so suddenly again?" he pondered

As night deepened, he quickly changed his clothes and slipped out of the palace. Just like he used to do every midnight, he took the path towards the lady's dwelling. He slightly lifted the hood over his head, furrowing his brows as he entered the young man's lodging.

"Is she not in her room?" he wondered.

As soon as he laid his hand on the door, he had a bad feeling. It wasn't locked, and it seemed slightly ajar. He entered and switched on the light in the room. His eyes widened when he saw the unconscious lady sprawled on the floor, leaning against the bed.

He quickly removed the hood from his head and approached her.

"Lilith!" He gently tapped her cheeks. Her eyelids fluttered, and she slowly opened her eyes. She turned her head towards him with great effort, making him even more nervous. She couldn't seem to sustain prolonged eye contact, her gaze wavering weakly.

His heart pounded hard. He had never seen the lady this weak before. He immediately examined her body and noticed several bruises and cuts. There was a large bruise on her arm, and the darkening veins were visible.

"What happened to you?"

He heard her groan as he lifted her. She clutched onto his shirt's collar, but she couldn't do much else.

"You need to be treated immediately."

"Wh-where are you taking me? You'll only be in danger," she protested, trying to break free from his grasp, but he tightened his hold on her.

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