[7] Exiled

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She still remembers the time when the moon's shadows embraced the sun

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She still remembers the time when the moon's shadows embraced the sun. Everything went dark, much like her entire life. This phenomenon is beyond everyone's control; it can't even be manipulated. Some say it's a life-changing situation; others call it a curse. Ancient people believed it to be a portal through which demons pass into the human world. Perhaps it's because darkness is consuming the light? Or maybe it's the moment when darkness meets light?

Whatever it is, she doesn't give a damn anymore. She just knows that in that moment, everything changed for her. Like the darkness overtaking the light, her world also began to darken. All she wanted was to return the pain they had inflicted upon her.

She remained quiet as Xavier cleaned the wound on her arm. The sun was still high, so they couldn't slip away into the hidden alcove in the church yet, as there were too many eyes that could see them.

"Do you still remember Avery?" she asked softly. "Why do you still remember someone dead?"

"The dead can't talk. You're the only one who says she's gone because you hid her behind your new name. But I know, she's still there," he said as he wrapped the bandage around her arm after cleaning it. She just watched him as he focused on applying the first aid. "I know you have reasons to be like that. I'm not invalidating what you feel because it's normal to feel that way. I just want to know what kind of ending you see in the end based on the decisions you've made. Will you be happy? Will you be happy if you become who you are?"

She couldn't speak.

This is also why she didn't want to talk to him about these things. She couldn't bring herself to respond to every word that came out of his mouth. It was the same stare she saw 10 years ago on a cold, lonely field while she was still bleeding.

"You ungrateful child! After all the care I've given you, this is how you repay me!" Markeus's father exclaimed angrily. "You have no gratitude!"

She was in a whirlwind of confusion at that moment. The guards held onto both her arms tightly, making it nearly impossible for her to walk properly as they dragged her along. With all her strength, she forcefully freed herself from their grip and managed to break free temporarily.

"Markeus! I couldn't have done what you're accusing me of, even if you and your father planned to kill mine!" she yelled. "How dare you have the audacity to now shift blame onto me for a crime I didn't commit!"

The young man's gaze turned cold upon her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she saw the blank expression on his face. "Markeus..." she whispered. He avoided her gaze and turned away, walking further from her. She froze in place at the turn of events, her mind swirling and unable to think clearly.

"I can't kill! I can't do what you're accusing me of!" she screamed as she continued to struggle. "You should be the ones thrown into prison for your crimes! You betrayed me!"

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