17. Leo and Soph

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I was excited for my dinner date with Soph. This is like literally the first time she initiated something. Most of the time, it was me who asked her.. 

I got ready and booked us a table at the latest happening restaurant and reached at 7pm.

I saw that Soph also got out of her car at the same time. I smiled at her.. 

She smiled back and came and gave me a hug which caught me off-guard. But I was happy. 

I hugged her back. We then went inside and today I noticed a very carefree and happy Soph..

The Soph I knew over the past few months was very guarded and didn't open up like the way she was today.. I was feeling happy.. 

My heart started beating loudly the minute she said "Leo, I need to tell you something."

Taking a deep breath I told her "Go on.. tell me Soph.. You know you can tell me anything.."

"Leo.. I have been thinking.. I think I want to give our relationship a chance.. I want to be with you Leo fully.. if you feel the same.. " said Soph..

I was pleasantly surprised. I was at a loss of words.. Did you ever experience pure joy that no words could come out.. I just did what I could to express my joy in her words..

I just gave her a peck on the lips.. and hugged her..

She was startled at first and then relaxed into me. 

She sent her car away and then we ended up going out for desserts. I was having fun with Soph..

"Hey Leo, would you like to be my date at my brother's wedding.." Soph asked me.

"Of course, now that you are my girlfriend, I would love to be your date.." I told her..

The night ended.. and I dropped her back home.. and we were both sitting in the car not moving.

"Leo.. I had fun today evening.. " Soph said..

"Yeah.. me too Soph.." I told her sincerely.

She gave me a kiss on my cheek and said "goodnight Leo.. see you soon" 

"Goodnight Soph.." I told her and went back home with a smile on my face..

I returned home and then Soph's brother called me the next morning and I told him I was Soph's date..

Now that our families knew we are dating.. they are all very happy.. they wanted this to happen so badly.. for us.. 

I'm happy too.. I text Soph saying "Lunch or dinner?"

She responds almost immediately "How about both? ;)"

Man, she's killing me.. I can't just stay calm. Luckily my meetings were scanty this afternoon. 

I am outside her office ready to pick her.

She looks like a vision in blue dress. I can't believe how I got so lucky. 

I took her hand.. and we had lunch at my favourite restaurant and then I dropped her back, after finishing a couple of meetings and evening after I went home, I freshen up and call her.

"Hey Soph, you ready?" I asked her.

"Yes Leo, I am ready."

"Ok, will pick you in 10mins", I told her.

She's even more gorgeous in the evening in pink. I smiled at her and she came up to me and we both talked about various things.. it felt like two friends catching up.. 

I really enjoy her company and she does too I can only hope.

Later, I took her to her favourite restaurant and as we are done, I hold her hand and say "Will you stay with me tonight? Soph, I just want you to be with me, I promise I will behave.." I told her sincerely.

Soph looked at me with surprise and later she nodded. I couldn't believe she said yes. 

I took her back to my apartment, yeah I do own a cool bachelor pad and we both decide to watch the movies.

We both pick a documentary to watch on elephants. I know boring choice.. but we both are weird like that. I took her hand in mine.. I really do like her.. a lot.. I can visualise us having our kids and the future.. 

While I was lost in my dreams, I looked at her to find her fast asleep with her head on my shoulder.

I carefully carried her to the guest bedroom and put her there and went to my room.. I wanted to sleep with her in my room, in my arms, but I guess thats too early.. 

I see 4 missed calls from Alessandro and just as I am about to call him back, he calls me.

"Yes, Alessandro? " I say after picking up.

"Leo, we are in trouble. I need to offer my protection to u and Sophie." he said.

"What, why? I thought we had an understanding.. your father in law will get what we discussed according to the contract." I told him.

"That contract is now moot for my father in law has been shot. " he said.

The words bring a chill to my spine.. I can't lose Soph before I even had a chance with her.. 

"What do we need to do?" I asked him.

"You and Soph need to come to Italy with me where I can offer full protection." Alessandro said.

"Alessandro, I have business here, I just moved from Germany to the US and now again moving back to Europe? who will handle things here? and Soph has her family here.. and Oh wait, her brother is getting married in Italy.. , so I could convince her.. but for how long?" I asked him. 

"Don't worry I will convince Soph. And I don't know.. until maybe I kill the guy who shot my father in law." he said.

"Don't joke with me Alessandro.. I had a lot of issues and now I am moving on and trying to be happy and now this?" I counter.

"Who are you on phone with? Is everything alright?" asked Sophie suddenly entering the room. 

At the same time Alessandro on phone literally barked at me asking "Who are you with Leo? Are you cheating on Soph? Do I need to tell her about this?" he asked me.

I hissed at him and told " I don't cheat Alessandro. Soph is my girlfriend and she is with me, at my home.. " 

I hear silence.. "Alessandro.. you there?" I asked him.

"Hmm, yeah.. ya.. I am here.. I , well, so, I will share the details with you and my men will escort you safely.. meanwhile, you family will also be given protection, don't worry." He told me.

"Ok then" I hang up.

"Soph.. actually, we have a situation.. it was Alessandro.. apparently, we are being targeted and we have to lay low.. but good news is we can be in Italy.. this way we can plan your brother's wedding.. and stay there and holiday there together.." I told her but she still looked skeptical and the frown on her face clearly showed she wasn't happy.

Well, looks like I have to talk to both our parents about this situation.. Perhaps, they would know how to deal with this..


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