2. Sophie

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I so didn't want to wake up today. After the disaster it was yesterday meeting Leo and his family who apparently were our closest friends whom we rarely saw.. (eye roll)

I was just lying in my bed in the same unicorn pj's and tee which I wore yesterday night before I changed into jeans and later got back to my room and got into these comfy pj's again..

My phone buzzed.. who would call me at 7a.m. in the morning I wondered. It was a call from an unknown number. I picked up. "Hello.. " I said in my groggy sleepy voice..

"Hi Sophie.. this is Leo.. You can save my number. So, if you are free today for lunch, can we meet and then you can show me around.. It's been quite a while since I came to the states.. and San Francisco has changed quite a bit.. so maybe you could give me company for today..what do u say?"Leo asked me.

"Um.. Leo.. I.." before I could complete the sentence.. my mom pulled the phone from my hand and answered for me "She will be there Leo". I was mad and angry for doing this.

My mom and Leo spoke for about 50 secs more before hanging up.

"What" my mom looked at me and asked innocently.

"Nothing, since you have made plans with Leo, you can go mother" I said..

"Oh come on Soph, don't I know you, You would just ignore the boy because of the douches you met in your past.. Not everyone is like that Soph. But you are the therapist right? You know that still you behave this way. I guess you need therapy to overcome this fear you have.. just open your heart once Soph.. and see the beauty in it.. Leo is a great guy,, " my mom said.

Exhaling slowly I said" Fine, I will go for today only. And I will meet him later only if I like him else you can't force me each time mom.. " said.

"Agreed" said my mom and she started walking towards the door and she suddenly turned and looked at me and said "Please wear something nice.. not your usual jeans and tee kind of outfits.. please.." and then left.

I blew out a raspberry and looked at my wardrobe. Most of it were casuals and business attire which I used to wear when I'm meeting my clients.. Then I had some dinner dresses and some summer dresses thanks to Serena. The spring season had set in and I chose a yellow summer dress and wore it after I took a bath.

I wouldn't spend much time with clients on Mondays and usually Mondays were for very urgent clients or to look over the business aspect of our centre. The other therapists in our centre used to take on clients form Mondays to Saturdays and some of the staff would rotate in shifts and look into their clients or meetings on Sundays as well..

I used to take on many clients at the beginning of my career and later ever since I turned 29, I take just 2 clients per month that too the most difficult ones or celebrities or ones struggling with suicidal tendencies, we had a separate division for rehab for alcohol and drug addiction and I used to work with patients from that unit as well early in my career.. These days, other than 2 regular clients per month, I take on 2 rehab cases as well and counsel them.

Our centre is very huge and we have many therapists working with us on a temporary contractual to permanent basis as well. It's a one of a kind state of the art centre built by the Harts, my family.

If you all must know.. my 30th birthday is in a few weeks.. Hence my mom LisaMarie is on a mission to find me the best guy. Haha.. keep trying mom.. I love my mom and dad and their cute love story.

It's what my brother Liam, older than me by just 2 years and I grew up hearing and aspired for a love like theirs and now Liam found his Serena(same age as me, she already turned 30) my bestie.. Their love story was cute as well.. Liam finally grew his pair and confessed his feelings to Serena when he was going to college. So, they have been together for quite sometime. Serena always chooses me over Liam and Liam also chooses me over Serena.

The spoilt brat that I am, after I turned 25, I told them they could let me be, and concentrate on their own story, I am not in high school or college anymore and don't need their protection all the time.

Serena is a Paediatrician. Once, she moves back to San Francisco, she would marry Liam. They have been engaged for like more than 5 years, I mean who the hell waits for so long. Somewhere, I suspect they were waiting for me to get married first and when they saw it wasn't happening anytime soon, finally they decided to get married this year. So double yay!! I turn 30 and my bro and my bestie get married as well.. I am truly happy for them.

The driver takes me to my office and I am surprised to find Leo already waiting for me there..

"hey" I said once our eyes met. "Hey, Um.. I know we agreed on lunch, I am here for some other reason.. I was looking at an office space nearer to this area as I really liked this area.. so I am meeting the real estate agent here in front of your office.. so see you around 2 pm.. ?" Leo said.

"Yeah sure Leo. All the best finding your space.. " I told him and smiled and left.

Once inside I was busy working and checking all the data and business aspects of the Centre. Yep, if you all must know, I also did my MBA degree recently to be able to manage the business aspects of this business as Liam has so many things under his belt and asking him each time to look over this as well felt like a burden to him and me, so now I was better equipped to deal with both business and the therapy part of it.

Yeah, I am a nerd. I was always good at studies, reading books.. and I also got attracted to nerds over jocks.. strange as that may sound, it's true..

It was closer to 2p.m. and my phone buzzed "Hey.. Sophie.. ready to go. I have reached your office and am seated in your cafeteria. "

"Hi Leo, I will join you in 5" I told him.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey all.. so do you like Sophie? I sure do.. I like Liam and Serena as well.. Please vote and comment. Thanks.

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