11. The Present

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After we got back from the trip.. Soph got back to work.. while I was busy with my work too.

But I did try to message her.. and hopefully we would meet up for a coffee today..

My phone rings while I was in these thoughts.. I pick up.. 

"Hey Alessandro..." I say. 

"Yeah sure.. that works.. let's have lunch and catch up.. " saying I hand up.

I then call Sophie.. "hey Soph.. I am meeting my old friend Alessandro for lunch and then will meet you for coffee at the same place.. they have a coffee place right outside the hotel.. I am meeting Alessandro." I explain to her.

She agrees.

I am excited to see Sophie while I am wondering why Alessandro is in the US.

I finish some of my meetings and go for lunch with Alessandro.

"Hey " I greet him and we both give each other a manly hug and a pat. 

"It has been so long. How come you are in the US?" I ask him..

"It's a long story.. I had some work so ended up here. I wasn't too keen on coming to the US but work got me here.. It is regarding the latest contract you are handling.. let me be straight with you.. Leo" he said..

"Go on.. tell me what is it?" I asked him.

"My father in law wants the contract.. which you have given to the  Hart family.." he says.

"Why? Hart is stronger in the US, so we have given them the contract plus our families are close. I have given you your share of deals which make a lot of money, now why Leo?" I asked him.

"Well, the old man Hart didn't comply to my father in law's request, so he wanted to me come here personally and deal with this. It has become ego war now.. I hate being a part of this but I hope you understand I had no choice." Alessandro tells Leo.

"No.. Alessandro.. there's got to be another way.. I can't do this for Hart family is very close to us and also Soph.. I am interested in making them my family.. not just friends soon.." I told him..

Alessandro who usually isn't surprised by anything seemed a little surprised hearing me and then he patted my back and said.. "Good.. my friend.. I am glad you found someone after Mirka." 

"Well, then I guess I should report the same to my father in law.. " he said.

"I will come with you.. Is he here?" I asked him.

"Yes, the whole family is here.. my wife's best friend is getting married to an American, so here we are.. and also wanted to discuss these matters along with others since are here." he told me.

"Oh, you havent been to the US over the last how many years?" I asked him.

"4 years.. 3 months and 10 days." he told me.

"Wow, that is quite precise... I wonder what made you count so much to get back to the US? any pending thing you left here when you had to leave suddenly then?" I asked him.. 

"You could say that.. I suppose" he said vaguely..

We ordered lunch and spoke about other things.. and then he got a call and had to leave.

"So, you are staying?" he asked me.

"Yes, I would be meeting someone for coffee" I told him.

"Is this your new girlfriend?" he asked me..

"I haven't asked her yet.. but things seem to be moving towards that direction.. I mean it's been quite sometime since I opened my heart to someone after Mirka.. but Soph.. she's just.. lovely.. I really like her.. and hope she does too.." I told him.

"I'm happy for you and I really hope things work out with you and Soph.." Alessandro said.

"Alright my friend, see you around.. then I will fix an appointment with my father in law for you soon." he said.

Standing up, both of us started to walk towards the coffee shop outside. 

At the same time, Sophie started to come in.. 

She looked gorgeous in a navy blue semi formal wear. She looked at me and smiled. and I turned to Alessandro who again looked a bit surprised.. strange.. Alessandro is never usually surprised by anything.. Guess he didn't know Sophie looked this good.

"Hey Alessandro, that's Sophie.. " I told him..

He took out his shades and wore them.. and told me he's in a hurry, but I wouldn't let him leave before he meets Soph. 

Soph looked like she saw a ghost.. I knew Alessandro looked good, but wonder why she looked so spooked..

Anyway, "Soph, you look gorgeous.. " I told her.. She smiled and tried to act as if she wasn't affected.. 

"Alessandro, this is Sophie, Sophie Hart..." and "Sophie, meet Alessandro Bruno." I introduced them both.

"Hi Mr. Bruno." said Sophie in a professional voice which made me chuckle.

"Hi Ms. Hart" said Alessandro.. Looking at the two made me chuckle..

"It was nice meeting you, I was just leaving.. " Alessandro told Sophie.. 

"Alright, you go take your wife shopping" I told him.. to which Alessandro looked a bit taken aback I guess..

Wierd.. I thought.. But Soph seemed a bit uncomfortable..

"Hey Soph, U ok.. " I asked her.. 

"Yeah.. gimme a minute.. I rushed straight from the office.. I will be back" saying so she rushed to the washroom.


I meanwhile got a call from my assistant and I got busy with my phone.. while waiting for Soph.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: Who do you think Alessandro Bruno is??? Plz comment and vote.. makes me want to write faster..

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