18. Sophie's irate

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The minute I heard Alessandro and the situation, me under his protection, I wanted to crawl some where and never come out. 

Here, I am trying to move on, now come on now.. again, I am thrusted where he is. Is this some conspiracy against me the Universe is playing? 

Last 2 years, I was wailing asking where he was, but nada, I wasn't made aware, but now that I decide to move on, every second, he shows up and destroys my inner peace. 

I have to quit my job and take therapy again, like in the past. I need my space from him. 

But, unfortunately, the wedding destination of my brother and my bestie is also Italy. 

Yay!! Lucky me!!.. 

I obviously couldn't sleep after hearing this nor could Leo.. 

We ended up watching another movie but minds elsewhere.. then dozed off on the couch together and once morning came, he fed me breakfast and then dropped me home safe. 

Such a wonderful man. But why doesn't my heart skip a beat for him, because it's stupid as hell and doesn't realise that guys like these are worth it all.. and not idiots like Alessandro who seem exciting and later all we are left with is regrets. 

I shook my head and as I entered my home, I was surprised to find Alessandro in my home, my brother and father seated and sipping coffee.. They all looked at me and my brother gave me a smug smile, while my dad looked at me surprised, Alessandro looked everywhere except me. 

"Come join us for coffee.. " said my dad.

"I just had breakfast dad.. " I trailed off..

He nodded and then I went to my room while the men continued to talk..

My mom came with a cup of hot chocolate and sat next to me "Want to talk?" she asked me. 

" Mom.. nothing happened. I went on a date with Leo, he wanted to drop me back home, but we got a call from Alessandro explaining the situation.. and he felt it would be safer for me to go back in the morning.. what's going on? I hope dad can handle it and none of us need to go to Italy to be with him.. " I scoffed. 

"Why baby, there was a time when you were yearning to be around him and wanted him?" my mom enquired. 

"Mom, after knowing everything, you say like that, I needed therapy to move on. and it's not fair he come here and just 2 days back I took a decision to move on and be happy, and here he comes.. what can I say?" I looked at her. 

"Well, our lawyers are handling it, while they are, there is just one guy Alessandro needs to eliminate.. then we all won't be under threat.. just look at it like a holiday much needed one and enjoy the wedding.. and yes Leo and his parents will be with us. We all will be at our own villa, there, just we would have extra protection from Alessandro's men as well.. " my mom explained.

"I don't think it's a good idea.. and I hope all of this is done soon.. ".

"It will be. Your centre will run and all businesses will run as usual.. you need not worry. You can talk to clients online if needed.. just don't worry.. let's enjoy the wedding. we get and additional week of holiday.. Alessandro says work should be done in 2 -3 weeks maximum." mom told me. 

I just went head first into the pillow on my bed and laid there in response.. my mom ruffled my hair and left probably for I drifted into sleep...

After a while, I could feel someone kiss my head and by the time I opened my eyes, they were gone.. 

I went down after a good half an hour. I saw no one was there.. I asked my housekeeper if anyone came to my room, she refused saying no one came to our home..

I swear I could feel someone's lips on my head.. or maybe I could be dreaming, who knows.. 


I go to my room and start packing when I see a text from Alessandro "Benvenuto nel mio mondo, Caro" it read.

I had to put it in Google translate - it read " Welcome to my world dear."

I typed in "Vaffanculo Alessandro" (Meaning "fuck you Alessandro") and sent it. 

My dresses for the wedding were sent to me by noon. And extra dresses could be bought there once we arrived there. 

I was travelling with Leo and his family while my family and Selena's family were  travelling together. 

I went to our private jet and saw Alessandro there and I thought come on man..

Alessandro smile to himself and offered me his hand to get in and I scoffed and right at that moment Gods decided to show some mercy on me.. and Leo showed up and gave me his hand, which I took willingly and smiled. 

I didn't even turn to look at Alessandro. 

I sat with Leo and family and ignored Alessandro and luckily he got the message and he ignored me as well.. 

I saw Leo interacted with Leo's father and Leo. 

I sat with Leo's mother and kept myself busy and later we landed.. 

I got to know Leo and I along with our families were staying at Alessandro's place as all our villas are being used by the relatives and close friends for the wedding who were originally supposed to stay at five star hotels we booked, but now were staying at our villas due to security concerns and Alessandro is arranging security for all of them and the original venue was also moved to Alessandro's home.. or is it a palace.. 

I gasped as it came to view.. He lived in a f***** palace. 

It's not a home.. It is a palace.. 

Alessandro looked at me amusedly. I turned my face away. Leo looked as if he saw it earlier. 

"Cara, I would have loved to show you around mi casa, under different circumstances.. but here we are.. have a comfortable stay, if you need anything let me know" Alessandro said sincerely. 

I just nodded mutely and scurried from his gaze.

I went to my room as shown by the butler. 

As I was going in, I saw Alessandro's beautiful wife Jane come out and greet my family who came around the same time.. 

I just walked inside.. I can do this.. I affirmed to myself... for my brother Liam and for my bestie Serena.. 

I took a deep breath and drifted into a dreamless sleep.. when I woke up it was way past dinner time, it was 12am. 

 I see messages asking me if I wanted dinner in my room from my mom, Serena, Leo.. Then they messaged me saying they saw me sleeping and I could just ring for butler in case I was hungry..

I got up and took a nice warm bath and wore my pj's and went down, I remember the butler showing me the kitchen, it was almost midnight and the lights were dimmed and I saw security inside stand and look at me the minute I stepped out of the room.. 

I told them I was going to have dinner with my actions and English.. 

They just nodded. 

I went to the kitchen and was met with a huge royal kitchen and a huge dining table.. I felt under dressed to be walking around in PJ's even at night in this palace.

But to hell with it, I was hungry now, I decided to eat in a corner in the kitchen, as there were 2 bar stools in a corner. 


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