20. Sophie cares

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I could see Alex was working too much, he looked like he didn't have any sleep, and top of it, I just wanted space from him, but here I am..

I couldn't stop myself from caring for him..

I care.. I still do.. It hurts, but I care.

"Want to join me for a swim" I asked him.

He looked at me baffled..

"I mean you seem tensed and overworked.. then I will put you to sleep.. You need rest.. " I explained.

He nodded.. And I could clearly see his arousal.. but I didn't intend to act on it, nor did he I suppose, for he turned the other side with a slight blush on his cheeks..it was adorable.

We both got into water, his wound dressing got wet, but wasn't bleeding, so it's good I suppose. 

We swam together side by side without a word.. and then after about 15mins, he was feeling tired, before he stepped out, he said "Alright then, I will head back, it was a relaxing swim.. thank you for letting me join" 

I checked the time, it was still early, the time showed, 6:20am. "wait.. Alex.. I wanted to talk.." I cringed at my own words..

He looked surprised.. I looked at him with pleading eyes.. 

"Get dressed and follow me" he said before he went to dress himself. I stepped out and went to the changing room and changed into my earlier workout wear after discarding my wet clothes. 

I dried my hair with my dryer and went to see him standing there in a shorts and a tee.. Didn't see that coming.. It's his palace, he could've had spare clothes in the changing room.. 

He pulled me by my wrist gently and whispered "Come with me"

He took me through a tunnel of rooms, before going to one room which had a password. 

I was surprised to find the password of that room was my birthday. 

I gasped when I entered.. It was a mini setup. a single bedroom and bathroom and a love seat and work set up. 

"It's my hideout place, even the staff don't know about this room.. including Jane.." he mumbled..

Clearing his throat he said "So, please don't tell anyone and don't use it when I am not around."

"I would be lost.. I won't come and won't need it.. I just.. I just wanted you to relax a bit, for I see you have been over working yourself.. " I told him sincerely..

"What do you propose we do now?" he asked with amusement in his eyes and a slight smile. 

"Sleep.. I want to put you to sleep like a baby" I told him boldly.

He laughed...

"No seriously.. come here." I yanked him to the bed and made him lie down in my lap and started to massage his scalp.. 

"Soph... this feels heavenly..thank you.." he said and drifted into sleep..

 I put his head on pillow and went and checked the pantry and there was just some frozen stuff which I took out and heated and made  some bacon and sandwiches and had one and covered the rest and wrote a note to him "Take care.. " and left. 

I tried hard to remember, how we came in, but it was easy the wall is a door.. so no one can know..  I managed to land back in my room by 7 am without anyone noticing.. the staff were up and about.. it looked like I was coming from the common gym room. 

I went back to my room, took my shower and checked my emails and replied with new availability timings and spoke to my assistant how we could manage those calls.. it was already 9am, when I heard a knock on my door. I opened to see Leo and my whole family including my brother Liam and Serena..

Wow.. I thought. "Hello.. Good morning everyone, I did have a late dinner and also early breakfast..So what's the plan for today.." I asked them.

"Soph.. you should've woke me, I would've accompanied you for both dinner and breakfast, the security is around, but still I am not comfortable having you go around alone in this place.." Leo answered.

My parents looked at each other very pleased and Serena and Liam winked at me.. 

"I just didn't think of disturbing you as all of us were tired.. but next time I will Leo, for sure" I told him softly.

He nodded and my whole family exchanged secret smiles amongst themselves.. 

Yeah yeah.. I am watching you guys.. I know.. he cares for me.. and I like him too..

I took a deep breath and started to follow Leo while my family said they had some work and some meetings related to the wedding to do and now Leo and I planned to go on a tour of the palace.. 

While we were almost at the entrance, I ran into Alessandro.. He was dressed for the day.. already.. but he looked much better.. I saw the time.. it was 10am. He must've had about 2 hours of sleep I hope.. 

He avoided contact with me and smiled at Leo and said "So, Rodrick, will be taking you around.. I wish I could, but have couple of meeting to attend.. see you around.. have a good day.." 

He nodded at me and gave me a slight smile.. I tried to smile as well..

We went on the tour as shown by Rodrick, Alessandro's most trusted man around the house.. 

It was so grand.. He lived like a royal here.. 

They had stables as well inside.. I went to the horses to pet and decided to spend time outside.. while Leo said, he had to get some work done and went back..

I was just wandering all alone when I saw Jane.. I smiled and she waved and came over to me telling her other friends goodbye.

"Hey Jane.. please carry on.. It's alright I was just wandering.. you have such a beautiful palace to live in.. " I smiled at her.

She smiled too but then her eyes had this lost look when she said.. "Yes.. I know,. I wish it would be filled with children soon.. that's what my papa would've wanted.."

"Do you really want that too ? Jane?" I enquired gently..

She looked at me surprised..


Are we team Leo or do we have some hope for team Alessandro as well? Comment and vote if you like the story..

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