14. Hello Jane!

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I was disappointed when Soph first told me she wouldn't ever date me and the reasons were really ridiculous like a child. But when she held my hand and apologised, I understood.. and I felt hope..

Whenever she's ready, I am ready to listen to her and we could take it from there.. I am curious to know more about her.. I knew a gorgeous girl like her would have dated someone..

I hope he's not around now.. and hope she's ready to open her heart to love again..

While I was deep in my thoughts in my office, I hear a knock on my door.. "come in" I say.

"Hey Leo.." said Alessandro.

"Hey Alessandro, so, about that meeting.. sorry I didn't reply to you yesterday, I was not in a good place yesterday.. I am ready for that meeting whenever you are.." I tell him.

"Not in a good place? What happened?" he asked me.

"Yeah.. it is ok.. I asked Soph to be my girlfriend and she refused.." I told him truthfully since he had already seen Soph yesterday..

"Why? Does she like someone else? Or.. " he trailed off deep in thought..

"No, I don't know, at first she spoke nonsense and later she said she would tell me when she was ready.. she needs some time is what she said." I told him.

"Oh.." he said.

Then we both left and I met his father in law, who seemed like a modern day Godfather and expected me to kiss his hand and then joked and gave me a hug..

I wonder how Alessandro puts up with these people..

He had a normal upbringing despite all these people. I was glad for that and his mother always made sure he had a wonderful childhood.

Alessandro explained to his father-in-law how Soph's company is related to ours and why this contract is important, then I offered him other contracts as compensation for I was not able to give him this contract which I gave to Soph's brother Liam Hart's company.

Then, he seemed to be ok with it for I knew I had to give him compensation contracts and make him feel like he still has a hold over the Schneiders and everyone.

After my meetings with these people were done, it was already evening and I hadn't checked my phone once surprisingly.

It had few missed calls and messages from my assistants and family and just one message from Soph.

"Are you free for dinner tonight?" it said.

"Yes" I replied.

She immediately sent another message with a location and a restaurant place.

I replied ok.

"So, that was very good planning on your part, my friend, my father-in-law is ok with it.. and he sees you as one his favourites, so all is well here.." said Alessandro.

"Glad to know that.. alright.. then, will see you around.." I tell him.

"What's the hurry my friend, let's have some drinks and celebrate.." he said.

"I need to meet Soph for dinner tonight." I told him.

"Oh, Ok.. Alright, let's meet some other time then.." he told me.

"Yeah sure Alessandro.." saying I shook his hand and left.

I go to my apartment and freshen up and then get ready to meet Soph for dinner.

I arrive right on time and see Soph entering at the same time, I wave at her and she does too, we both proceed to go and be seated at our table and suddenly I hear Leo's voice, I turn my head to see Leo and his wife arriving at the same restaurant.. 

What a co incidence.. This would be a great time to introduce Soph to Jane, Alessandro's wife, I thought to myself. 

I look at Soph to see her looking pale.. "Soph, are you ok?" I ask her.

She nods. I turn to see Alessandro and Jane approaching us. 

"Hey Leo.. Hi Sophie" Alessandro greets us.

"Hey man.. what a co incidence to see you here.. " I tell him.

"Yeah.. Jane was bored, so we decided to come out for dinner.. and Jane, this is Sophie and Sophie, this is my wife Jane." Alessandro tells me and Soph.

"Nice to meet you Jane" says Soph to Jane politely.

Jane proceeds to give her a cheek to cheek greeting.. "Same here" she says.

"Why don't we all have dinner together" suggests Jane.

"They want to have some personal time with each other" says Alessandro reading my mind, thank god I thought. 

"Ok, next time then, it's good to meet you Sophie.. Leo is a good guy.." Jane tells Soph and then Alessandro says "Ok.. see you around.. guys." he says and leaves with Jane.

Luckily I booked a private place for ourselves just like Alessandro did. So we hardly get to see each other and the curtains were drawn. 

"Hey Soph.. now we get time to ourselves." I told her and she smiled. I felt relieved.

We sat and I ordered from the menu and I wanted to address the elephant in the room. 

"Tell me Soph.. what has happened.. I want to know." I told her and then she did, she told me about some Alex and how he dated her for a year and then went MIA. 

Later, she got to know, the shmuck was married and all this had left a pain in her heart. So, she doesn't know if she can love someone again..

I told her "I am ready to wait till you feel something for me Soph.. something more.. if not, then we part as friends.. right. but do you want to give this a try.." 

"Yes, thanks Leo.. I would like to.. try for maybe over the next 6 months or so.. " Soph told me which made me very happy.

"I am attracted to you.. you know that.. but to trust and feel some things which I have closed my heart to, I need some time.. but after 6 months ,if I am not able to make progress, I don't want you to stay and waste your time and life over me, I want you to go ahead and date.. alright?" she asked me.

"Yes Soph.. sure.." I told her thinking would 6 months be enough for this lovely woman here to fall in love with me..


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