1. Hello,Leo..

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"Soph" she heard her mom call her..

"Coming" I said..

"Yes mom"I called while gazing at the guests who were gathered in their huge living room.. I didn't know there were guests home.. If I knew I would've obviously changed my unicorn pajamas with a stupid tee shirt which had the words "I have magic in me" printed on them .. Oh kill me already..  

Typical mom.. she always puts me in these situations.. still I love her.. and my dad the most..

Now I look at my brother Liam who is impeccably dressed as always with smug smile and in his arms was his fiancé Serena, my best friend who had a guilty expression on her face, but still I am going to kill her later..  and then I look towards the guests... they definitely didn't bother about my appearance and were all looking at my face with interest..

"Oh Soph.. do u remember Leo" my mom's voice broke my thoughts..

"Leo?" I said..

"Yes, Leo.. your best friend when you were in kindergarten.. " my mom said as if I was supposed to magically remember my childhood friend whom I never heard from 

Or oh wait.. I did remember mom always fussing about Leo.. who was my friend and our neighbour before they shifted back to Europe as they had multiple businesses there.. 

"Hi Sophie" said Leo.. with a wink.. God, he was gorgeous and with that accent I really really was most definitely going to avoid him forever.. and even if I did meet him, I would never ever open my heart to him or anyone.. 

"Hello... Leo?" I said unsurely.. 

Leo smiled kindly and said "I know we may not remember each other but my mom talks about you and I am sure your mom does as well.. right .. " 

Before I could reply Leo's mom said "Oh Sophie.. I am so glad to see you.. in person..all these years, your mother and I just shared pictures over phone and we did meet once but you didn't come for you were busy with finals.. but now Leo is going to stay here and set up our branch office here.. hope you both get to know each other again.. " 

I racked my brain to remember Leo's mom's name.. I knew the Schneider's name as that was their business name as well and my dad and brother had worked on multiple projects with them.. My parents did meet them every 2 years or so.. I was somehow left-out with my own drama or exams or whatever.. 

Bingo remembered just on time "Lana.. it's a pleasure to have you all.. please excuse me, I will change into something presentable and join you all for dinner.. " I said..

Lana nodded and excitedly started talking to my mom.. whilst I was walking away.. my bestie Serena mouthed Sorry to me while I just shook my head and suddenly met eyes with Leo who was watching me with a small smile on his face.. 

No.. definitely don't like insanely attractive guys looking at me like that while I am in my unicorn Pj's and magic in me tee.. nope.. 

I ran to my room and changed into a jeans and decent top and joined the guests and my family for dinner..

Leo had an elder sister Leslie who was a lawyer and was working for their own firm and she couldn't join as she just gave birth to her third child... phew!! she already had 3 babies at 36 whilst me at 29,can't think of love, let alone marrying someone and having babies.. I would love to be a wonderful aunt to my brother's and my besties babies.. 

Apparently Leo was single after a recent breakup with the latest German model who featured in many shows and was also a Victoria's secret model.. Hurray... He dates models so he won't be interested in me an ordinary Psychologist who works at a Therapy centre called "Life goes on" built by my own family for me.

Yep, my family (the Hart)  does many businesses just like the Scheider's.. 

They are into electronics and equipment while we were into manufacturing and supply of raw materials to build those electronics and equipment..

 Yes.. both our families had millions alright and my brother manages it all while I chose psychology for it was my burning passion to help the man kind from the mental problems they were facing.. and yep my family had set up our own therapy and rehab centre of which I take care of.. and also do counsel certain patients who need my help.. I don't take more than 2 cases per month.. and I try my best to help my patients.. 

I am proud to say I studied well and many people do recommend me despite my parents and their great reputation, I certainly made a name for myself just like Leo Schneider did in his business world.. He was a startup owner and a technology enthusiast. A nerd with good looks is a weakness of mine.. and he was really too good.. 

And was currently showing interest in me.. with the staring at me and smiles.. 

No Leo.. don't waste your time.. with me.. I thought to myself..

Then I zoned out and I do remember Leo telling me bye and asking for my number for I had to show him around tomorrow according to both our parents.. 

Serena gave me googoo eyes and left with my brother while I ran to my room after everyone had left.. I needed sleep for tomorrow was going to be a loong day.. 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: Hii.. Hope you guys liked meeting Leo.. Please vote and comment.. 

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