21. Jane confesses to Soph

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"Yes, Its what I always wanted.. I wanted Alex, I wanted kids with him.. it's all I wanted my whole life.." Jane confessed to me..

"But I don't see that he feels the same about me.. I wish he would, but it's like he's here with me, yet distant.. I don't know.. I tried.." Jane trailed..

I felt bad for her.. Truly.. what a strange situation we are all stuck in.. Alex and I loved each other, but we can't be together..

Jane feels strongly for Alex and Leo feels strongly for me... yet Alex and I like them but probably can't really love them I guess.. like how we loved each other..

As I kept wondering I noticed Jane looking at me strangely.. "What is it?" I asked her.

"So, you and Leo.. what is the deal.. ?" she asked me.

"We just started dating.. I like him.." I told her.

She smiled and nodded..

One of her friend's returned and Jane excused and left me to my thoughts..

I noticed Alessandro coming from somewhere.. He was lost in thought..

It took a while for him to notice me.. While I was looking at him directly..

My family was all inside planning and going through the details of the wedding.

Leo was busy with some meetings.. inside..

Alessandro then noticed me and turned away..

What's with him.. and his weird behaviour.. Well, if you wanted to avoid me Alessandro, then having me in your home was the stupidest idea..

I wanted to avoid you too.. but seeing you so tensed and concerned all the time makes me worry what you do..

While all these thoughts were running in my head.. I walked to him and he started to walk away from me..

I stopped him.. I held his hand.. and he stopped and looked at me and yanked his hand away from me as if I burned him..

"What's with this behaviour? If you didn't want me here, we all could've stayed in our villa instead of here.. I'm sick and tired of being here.." I told him.

"If there was a choice, I would've taken it. I can't jeopardise safety of you and your family till I eliminate the enemy.. It wasn't intentional.. Just bear with me for a few more days.." he pleaded.

"What's with you avoiding me.. I hope you got enough rest.." I enquired.

"Yes, I did, and I don't think it's a good idea to spend time together alone. I have people to take care of me.. You don't need to worry.." he spoke brashly.

I was hurt. I started to walk back home without even responding to him.

I know it's none of my business, but he didn't have to be that rude. I learned my lesson. I would maintain my distance as promised and required.

As I walked back, he didn't even follow me or stop or even apologize. Rest of the week passed in a blur and I didn't even see him.. though I was hurt, I was anxious about his safety..

I was busy with fittings and Serena and planning the event in the huge garden.

Jane occasionally joined in and gave her inputs.. Leo was spending time with me whenever he got..

I heard one day from Jane that Alessandro was planning his move after the wedding was done, so we could safely be transported to another location..

The next week also passed by and I didn't get a glimpse of Alessandro at all.

The next day was the wedding, I wondered if he would come to the wedding or not..

When I saw Jane, I asked her if Alessandro would be joining us for the wedding.. She said he would..

"Oh, he would.. he's been so busy planning everything, I told him to join me and be my date tomorrow for your brother's wedding Sophie" she told me kindly..

"Sure, looking forward to seeing you both, for you have kindly allowed us to have my brother's wedding here.." I told her sincerely..

I honestly wanted to see him.. though I am mad at him, I really wanted to.. once.. just to make sure he was ok..

Today was the day of the wedding and I wore a lavender backless gown variations of which, Serena chose for her bridesmaids.. My date Leo looked dashing, but my eyes were searching for Alessandro..

Stupid, stupid, stupid me.. I kept mumbling to myself and decided to go and get myself some punch.

While I turned to go, I bumped into someone, "Sorr..." I was about to tell when I met his eyes..

It was Alessandro looking glorious in a tux and really wonderful.. But as I observed him closer, I saw that he had slight dark circles under his eyes which he usually didn't have and he looked tired even.. and right now he was holding me and I could feel his touch all over my bare back..

Alessandro immediately left me again as if he got burned and left me without a word..

I saw that he was joining Jane who was busily chatting away with the guests who all came in from our villas which we arranged for them to live in instead of hotels..

I started to walk away and suddenly Leo pulled my hand and handed me a glass.. "Thanks Leo" I told him and he greeted me with a smile.. He looked gorgeous too but not as much as Alessandro did or maybe I was biased..

I just had a glass and then the ceremony started and went on beautifully. I was happy for my friend.. I even had tears in my eyes..

Then they were called for first dance as a couple and I already told my speech and then I somehow couldn't control my tears.. so I decided to take a breather, I told Leo I was going to go inside and come soon.. 

I started walking back to the huge castle like house,... I needed to go there and cry out once.. for it was giving me nightmares about all my dreams I had and how they crashed and burned.. 

And while I was happy for Serena and my brother, they were going to fly out to France after the ceremony ended for their honeymoon and we would be going back to US, all of us would be given security detail. 

I was crying for Alessandro and the wedding we never had, the way he behaved with me.. and the way he is behaving with me, I was crying for myself, for Leo, if I could ever love him so much.. I was suddenly feeling way too emotional and hence decided to walk back..


A/N:  Who are you rooting for? Alessandro and Soph  or Leo and Soph?? Please vote and comment...

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