3. The unofficial date

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So, here I was with Leo on an unofficial lunch date. We went to the Boulevard.

While having lunch, he was telling me about his project here and how he would live here for at least 4 years till his project and new office takes off. I also told him about my centre and what I do and how I even look into the business aspect of it..

He was good company. He made me feel comfortable and his accent also was too good. The way he was speaking made me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I then decided it was because of lack of a relationship over the last 2 years. I was sure I could easily take sisterhood and become a nun if I continued this way for couple more years.

I wasn't into self pleasure as well.. Very very rarely. Strange.. I know. Guess I lost interest in life. And as suspected, I could go and embrace my sisterhood soon.

But, today sitting here with Leo made me realise, when you meet a good guy, you are attracted and there is nothing wrong with it.

All these years, I met all the idiots.

I am glad I met Leo now. But he was too good looking.. I guess I should be happy right but being a therapist myself, I know my insecurities too well. I wasn't bad looking either. Alright alright, I am going to give this Leo guy a chance to see where it goes..

While I was day dreaming about my future with Leo.. he suddenly got a call, he excused himself to take the call.

While Leo was on call, I was busy continuing with my day dreaming and suddenly a woman with blonde hair, lovely personality and she was really beautiful.. she came and snapped her fingers in front of me..

I broke from my reverie and looked at her. "Leo is mine, always mine. Remember that, OK. If you can't stay away from him, I will make sure you don't live to see another sunrise." saying so she started to leave.

I was in shock and I then looked around only to see Leo with his eyes wide open and mouth open.. Stop ogling at her Leo, I thought in my mind.

When the blonde girl saw Leo, she just left. Leo who stared at her in shock finally sighed and looked at me and with a cringe asked me "What did she say?"

"Well, she said you are hers and hers only, if I tried to not stay away from you, I won't live to see another sunrise is what she said." I told Leo.

He cringed further. "Well, ex girlfriend I suppose?" I asked Leo.

He nodded and said "Mirka and I have been together for quite sometime.. from high school till recently. We were on and off for a long time. But this time we broke up for good.. but she couldn't accept as usual. She needs help. But I'm not sure you are the right person to do so for she already has a negative attitude towards you. "

"I agree.. then get her the help she needs and also I know we are not close friends yet, but why did you break up with her?" I asked him.

"Well, same cliche reason, she's too possessive, and at one point of time, it went to unhealthy level and she couldn't leave me. She told anyone who even looked at me that she would kill them, I got her into therapy, she seemed good, we ended up together again, but I saw the same behaviour emerge again.." Leo trailed off.

"I couldn't take it anymore. I understood she's sick and she needs some serious medical attention. She has too many issues.. Her dad left her to marry someone else and she grew up with her mother and grandfather, so she's always suspicious and what not. I had a talk with her therapist and she told me Mirka had to do a lot of work on herself and she could always relapse and her chances of getting normal were slim.." Leo continued..

"Yes, it might seem harsh that I left her, but that's not true, I just got tired, I fought for her for so long. I fought for her for more than 10 years, I lost my friends who asked me to leave her, but I didn't, she destroyed my friendships and my relationship with my sister and family. But still, I fought for her, I got so broken trying to put her together that I lost myself. "

"I needed some therapy of my own and for my own good, I finally along with my therapist decided that she is not good for me and I need to rebuild my life, which is what I have been doing over the last 3 years."

"My family is happy with me again, I have been single for 3 years and I have been really happy. That german model is a friend of a friend.. I just have friends and not dates at the moment. I have my friends and my sister is talking to me. I am really happy more than I have ever been since a long time.. " said Leo.

"Leo, I admire that you have come out stronger from this experience. I really think you are wonderful. Thanks for sharing with me. " I said while putting my hand on his..

He smiled and held my hand. His hand felt warm on mine, his touch comforting.. his hands were large too.. Oh stop it stupid brain I thought to myself.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N : Hi all, hope you liked Leo's honesty. Sophie and I did. We are already melting for Leo.. I guess..

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