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Chapter 281

The car stopped several hundred meters away from the castle.

Fidel: "How do we get in? There is no cover around here, we'll be spotted in minutes even without radar. There's no way to sneak in, do we charge straight ahead?"

Qiao Ying: "Walk in."

Qiao Ying gave Moon Shadow a few needles and his legs gradually regained sensation.

In the vast desert, a black dot was moving towards the castle - Moon Shadow dragged his still numb legs with great difficulty.

Petite Qiao Ying hid behind him. The two walked straight towards the castle, slowly closing the distance.

The over 10-meter high city walls stood tall, blocking everything outside. A few huge signal towers were built above the walls.

As the figures moved closer, they looked increasingly tiny.

The city walls were in ancient Roman style. Right ahead were eight city gates standing wide open, yet there were no guards at any of them.

The two thus entered unobstructed.

Once past the gates, the wind dropped sharply and they could no longer see yellow sand blurring their vision. The air was much cleaner too.

The castle was quiet as if uninhabited.

Heading further in, the luxurious interior starkly contrasted with the rough exterior and the desolate desert outside - it was like two different worlds. The completely modernized furnishings and designs made one feel as if they had returned to the city.

The massive castle appeared very empty. Its complex structure obscured potential dangers lurking in the shadows.

Not a soul could be seen.

With a gun at his waist, Moon Shadow was forced to take the lead for Qiao Ying. Just then a drone flew in.

It circled inside the castle but was not attacked by the infrared rays Moon Shadow mentioned. In the end, it hovered unscathed above Qiao Ying and followed her as she ventured deeper into the castle.

The two plus one drone cautiously progressed through the intricate castle.

Facing the sofa on the wall hung a huge electronic display screening news.

The voice echoed in the empty castle.

Several long spiral staircases coiled upwards, leading to the mysterious second floor.

Moon Shadow looked at the stairs: "I've only been to the first floor and never stayed long each time."

Before he got a response, he lifted his leg towards the stairs but Qiao Ying yanked the rope on his arm to stop him. So he did not venture further.

Qiao Ying looked around. Just then, Qin Hanyue's voice sounded from her Bluetooth earpiece: "Wife, signal blocking complete."

As his voice trailed off, the TV let out two "zi la" buzzes then turned silent, displaying a "Signal Unstable" message.

The castle became even quieter.

The hidden cameras also stopped operating.

After a while, Qin Hanyue's voice sounded again: "Wife, detected unknown signals right below you."

There was a hidden basement.

Qiao Ying shoved her gun at Moon Shadow's waist: "This place belongs to that old chap Meihua Q?"

Moon Shadow answered hesitantly: "Yes."

Meihua Q was skilled with mechanisms and secret rooms. That paranoid old man was extremely cautious, given his habits...

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