-1- Memorable Faces

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A/N: Hi! Sorry to interrupt but before you start please consider voting, I don't normally ask till the end but wattpad removed this story on false grounds and refused to reinstate it so I'd appreciate the support on it for it to regain traction, thank you & hope you enjoy :)

Walking along the cobbled street path Miles sighed to himself, he clutched the dog leash in one hand his other stuffed into his fluffy coat pocket, it was freezing that day. The height of winter. Miles knew he should've driven to the vets to pick Lulu up but hadn't anticipated it being quite this cold.

Hurriedly stumbling through the vet door Miles rubbed his trainers on the welcome mat, he then stepped over to the reception desk an uninterested college student looking back at him expectantly.

"Errr, I'm here to pick up Lulu" he coughed out awkwardly running a hand through his soft, brown hair. The woman behind the desk sighed typing away on the computer then gesturing silently for him to take a seat sheer boredom etched onto her features.

Miles took a seat on the cold, hard waiting room chairs. He got his phone out scrolling through the Instagram feed liking his friends posts absentmindedly. A loud meow then suddenly caught his attention, he ignored it the first time but when it sounded again he looked up.

Sat across from him by the window was a red haired boy, his hair was curly and neat, his brown eyes were perfectly encapsulated by clear rimmed circular glasses, his skinny frame was covered by a pair of jeans paired with a gray hoodie, freckles dotted the boys face making Miles heart flutter slightly.

On the boys lap rested a pet carrier, inside was a little black cat. The kitty had a plastic cone round its head and was looking especially sorry for itself in that moment, the boy gingerly put his fingers through the bars of the cramped carrier petting the cat softly murmuring to it.

Thinking hard Miles continued gawking at the skinny boy, he was sure he recognised those curly red locks from somewhere. It wasn't a face he'd forget in a hurry either so he wasn't sure how he couldn't remember from where.

The boys leg was bouncing up and down nervously, he was fiddling with his sleeves clearly agitated about something. Probably the reason he'd brought the vocal cat in.

Tempted to make small talk Miles looked into the boys innocent brown eyes, they were the color of milk chocolate. Suddenly his eyes darted to Miles's, they both instantly looked away awkwardly. Miles felt his face heating up as he stole another glance at the red head, he was back to tending to his cat head completely down, but Miles could see a slight pink tinge had crossed his cheeks.

"Lulu" a voice rang out from the reception desk, Miles stood swivelling around to face where it was coming from, he was met with an instant bark of joy followed by a small whine. The kind looking vet carried Lulu over to him as she excitedly thrashed around in the vets grasp.

Taking her gently from the vet and instantly attaching the lead to her collar Miles ruffled her head affectionately glad she was okay.

"The operation was a success, we got the tumour out. If you could bring her back in a weeks time for a check up to make sure everything's running smoothly that'd be great" the vet explained quickly.

Nodding his head gratefully Miles handed a wad of bills to the reception desk, the woman there took them popping them in the cash register without saying a word.

Miles turned to leave but Lulu had other ideas, she scampered over to the boy licking his hands instantly at sniffing at his legs.

"Sorry" Miles told him sheepishly, trying to reign Lulu back over but she was tugging hard, despite his athleticism this dog often gave him the run around.

"I-I-it's fine" the boy stuttered back giving Lulu some well deserved fuss, he caressed her head gently scratching in between the ears which was Lulus favourite spot. The boy laughed in a super cute sing song tone as Lulu licked his hands more sniffing at them curiously.

"S-s-she can smell m-my cat" He speculated quietly giving Lulu another scratch which she appreciated, she then scarpered back over to Miles jumping up at his knees playfully.

"Sorry about that mate, she can get a bit over excited sometimes" Miles apologised again looking down at Lulu with a smirk, however the boys voice was so familiar, along with his face still being so reminiscable. Miles had such a strong urge that he knew the boy from somewhere.

"What's your cat in for then?" He asked making small talk. Miles wasn't really a cat person but couldn't help but feel sorry for the soot black cat with that horrible plastic cone round its head.

"I-it's k-kinda disgusting" the boy answered, Miles raised his eyebrows waiting for an elaboration as the boy glanced down at the cat "H-her bottom keeps f-falling out, i-it's c-called a prolapse" he explained looking embarrassed.

"Gross" Miles commented unfiltered as he sent the cat a look of disdain.

An awkward silence filled the waiting room, Miles could've left ages ago but something was holding him back. The boys soft eyes tucked behind those glasses were so enticing.

Almost as if he was reading Miles thoughts the boy stuttered out "Y-y-you d-don't remember me, d-do you?"

Miles shook his head in response "No I don't, what's your name?" He inquired looking the red head up and down trying his best to remember.

A look of apprehension crossed the boys features as he looked at the floor. This was getting strange now.

"Seriously where do I know you from? I recognise you but I can't think" Miles insisted taking a seat beside the boy Lulu settling down at his feet seemingly accepting the fact they weren't gonna be leaving any time soon.

The boys beautiful brown orb eyes connected with Miles's ocean blue ones for a second before shifting away hastily.

"Liquorice" a voice rang out from one of the veterinary rooms, the boy instantly stood up carrying the heavy cat box with a heave. He strutted over to the room taking a final, shy glance back at Miles before the door shut behind him and muffled talking could be heard from behind it.

Miles sighed staring after him at the shut blockade wooden door. Who was that boy, where did he recognise him from and why didn't the boy want him to remember?

These questions plagued Miles's mind as he stood up heading out of the door with Lulu in tow.

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