-31- Back Where It Started

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Walking along a cobbled street path Miles felt his heartbeat quickening. Rain poured down onto him making him wish he'd driven rather than taking the short walk. Clutched in his hands tightly was a cat carrier containing Liquorice, and she was not happy about it. She let out continuous squeaks or meows of pity.

Hurriedly stumbling through the vet door Miles rubbed his trainers on the welcome mat, he then stepped over to the reception desk a friendly looking woman gazing back at him expectantly.

"Errr, I'm here for Liquorice's stitch removal" Miles explained awkwardly letting out a cough. The woman behind the desk nodded with a curt smile typing away on the computer then gesturing silently for him to take a seat in the familiar waiting room.

Miles took a seat on the cold, hard waiting room chairs. He set the cat carrier on his lap before producing his phone from his pocket scrolling through his Instagram feed. He unfollowed people like Theo and Kai then liked a post from Ross picturing them at the dinner the other week.

He looked across the empty waiting room with a sigh. He remembered Benny being sat there anxiously. The same cat carrier currently on his lap was on Benny's.

Liquorice let out a prolonged meow. Miles put his fingers through the bars like he'd seen Benny do that day.

Staring at the empty seat in silence Miles brain whirred, thoughts from that day speeding by like cars on a highway. He remembered his temptation to try make small talk, how he hadn't recognised Benny at first, the way the redheads leg bounced up and down in anticipation worried for what his appointment would bring, the hesitance he'd shown at telling Miles who he was.

The glance they'd exchanged before immediately looking away both blushing. That mere by chance glance had sealed their fates. If they'd just kept to themselves Miles wouldn't be sat there right now. Benny likely wouldn't be in the mental hospital. Everything would be different, for better or for worse though?

"Liquorice?" A voice rang out from one of the veterinary rooms, Miles instantly stood up carrying the heavy cat box with a heave, He strutted over to the door taking a final nostalgic glance back at their first moments before shutting the wooden door behind himself.

He placed the cat carrier onto the table and the vet leaned forward "Hello sweetheart, lets get you out of there" She cooed to Liquorice opening the door quickly, Liquorice was hesitant but wandered out looking around the room curiously through her cone.

"How's she been? Any problems using the litter tray or eating food?" the vet asked examining Liquorice's rear end as Miles distracted her with pets.

"She's been fine yeah. No problems at all that we've noticed. Though she has recently moved house so she didn't eat for the first day with that change" Miles explained ruffling up Liquorice fur around her ears making the black cat purr even harder.

"Good, I was gonna say you're not the usual sweet boy who brings her here. You his brother?" The vet questioned beginning to unravel the stitches to take them out satisfied with how the prolapse had healed.

"No, Boyfriend" Miles replied awkwardly, the Vet nodded showing no adverse reaction as she deftly got the stitches out.

"All done, good girllll" The vet cooed with a loving smile on her face stroking Liquorice roughly. The cat seemed happier with the uncomfortable stitches out, but the big plastic cone remained.

"Does she still need this cone on then?" Miles queried taping it lightly.

"For another couple days if she can cope. Just so she doesn't go crazy licking and cleaning it when the stitches have only just come out" The vet answered professionally. "I know the other boy was really worried about how this would go, but from what I can see this issue shouldn't persist"

"Good, I'm happy to hear that, he'll be over the moon" Miles replied smiling as he thought about Benny's reaction. He'd be thrilled to see Liquorice without the cone on.

"Awesome, we'll be prescribing her some laxatives too just to make sure she can use the litter tray properly for the next few weeks, then once these run out bring her in again and we can review how she's recovered" The vet explained passing Miles a box of medication.

It made him cringe slightly seeing the small pills. Despite being completely different meds and being for cats not humans he couldn't help but remember all the pills Benny had been scoffing recently to keep himself healthy and happy.

"Thank you" Miles thanked the vet pushing Liquorice lightly into the cat cage then strolling back out of the room. He paid for the meds at front desk then went on his way. He purposely didn't spare another glance back at the waiting room.

Luckily it had stopped raining now and the sun was even out shining down on the damp cobbled path, Miles made the short walk home releasing Liquorice from the cage as soon as he stepped through the door.

Lulu went mad barking jumping up at the cat who hissed in terror at her. Miles chuckled shepherding Lulu out of the living room to give the jet black cat some peace after her traumatic vets appointment.

Heading into the kitchen Miles was surprised to see Ross sat there drinking a hot cocoa "Oh, hey Ross" Miles said sitting beside him.

Ross grinned back at him cream covering his face messily "Hey bro, just came round to see if you wanted to hang, how are you holding up?" Ross asked kindly.

"Okay. Just got back from the vets with his cat" Miles explained with a small sigh.

"He'll be out before you know it, and be happier. He won't have an abusive dad anymore and he has a cool boyfriend" Ross told him taking another sip from his cocoa loudly.

"I guess yeah, I'm just worried he'll fall back into old habits" Miles admitted quietly, he glanced at his own sleeves knowing how hard it was to quit those old, tempting habits.

"With you around he'll do great. You have experience so can help him more than anyone else" Ross suggested with a shrug.

"Hopefully" Miles replied sighing again "How's everything at school?"

"Kai got expelled, Theo's been suspended" Ross informed him grinning cheekily.

"Why?" Miles exclaimed a smile making its way onto his face at the news.

"Kai tried to come back early and Theo snuck him in. So they got rid of Kai fully and suspended Theo. He's no longer team captain either. We were kinda hoping you'd replace him when you came back?" Ross told him hopefully.

"Sure, It'd be good to jump back into soccer" Miles responded mildly. He wasn't sure he'd enjoy being captain but he loved soccer. It would be really good to get back into his old hobbies and have a distraction.

"Yes dude! Didn't think you'd agree!" Ross shouted loudly.

Miles nodded with a small shrug, He just had to make it through each day. Then he could continue being there for Benny.

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