-13- Doorstep

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Distracted by the altercation between him and Jamey in half time Miles dropped the ball second half, he missed easy shots, made bad decisions, and just generally played poorly.

It all came to a head when Miles was lost in thought Jamey's words repeating back to him when suddenly a loud, abrupt cheer shook him out of it, he looked around seeing the Summerville players celebrating, then he turned his attention to Theo. The boy was stomping angrily over to him thunder in his expression.

"Miles, you're off. I don't know what's gotten into you, you played perfectly first half but clearly that's changed. Sit on the benches I'll sub you out" Theo ordered dismissively.

"Wait Theo, I'll concentrate now I just-" Miles tried to reason with him but was interrupted.

"No. Go to the bench Miles. You're lucky you played a good first half otherwise I'd be considering kicking you off the team. You could've so easily stopped them scoring but you didn't" Theo countered folding his arms in irritation.

Miles sighed jogging over to the bench taking a seat on the cold metal beside Ross.

"You okay mate?" Ross asked sympathetically giving him a side glance.

"Yeah. Just a lot on my mind" Miles replied quietly slumping against the backboard and staring at the ground not remotely interested in the game anymore. Guilt was nagging at him so hard.

Ross nodded understandingly patting Miles back comfortingly.

"Jamey asked me out" Miles blurted out, a grin spread across Ross's face and he clapped his hands together before responding.

"Look at you Miles, you finally did it. Everyone knew it would happen sooner or later but I'm happy for you, she's so hot" Ross told him excitedly.

Miles felt tears blurring his vision as he looked away to try hide it from his best friend, one slipped out trailing down his face defiantly, he tried to wipe it away hurriedly but was too slow.

"What's the matter? Why are you crying? That's a good thing no?" Ross questioned leaning in closer to Miles and putting his arm round Miles shoulder softly.

"I... said no" Miles choked out another tear gracing his face sliding slowly down his cheek.

"Oh shit" Ross muttered a wave of sympathy washing over his face "can I do anything to help?" He added kindly. This is why Miles liked Ross. They always had each-others backs no matter what.

Miles looked up at his best friend. Blood was rushing to his head as he considered telling him, he hesitated. Would Ross accept him? He'd never been mean to Benny that Miles had seen. Equally he'd never defended him though. Not even in private.

"I-I'm..." Miles started but as luck would have it was interrupted by loud cheers from the stands, his voice became inaudible over the cheers.

"YES!" Ross yelled jumping up and staring out into the pitch a wide smile on his face replacing the concerned look he had previously adorned "3-1! Get in!" He shouted watching eagerly as the boys celebrated.

Miles sighed wiping the last of his tears away. Maybe he'd tell Ross another time. Maybe not. He looked around the small stadium spotting familiar bleach blonde hair in the crowd. Jamey was sat just above where he was with some of her friends chatting amongst them. She didn't look upset anymore.

Attempting to get her attention Miles watched her for a while however she didn't notice him. The final whistle blew indicating the end of the match, they'd won 3-1. Woohoo I guess...

In the locker room the atmosphere was buzzing, everyone was yelling, shouting and high fiving. The coach stumbled in a proud grin etched into his face.

"Good job boys! You all smashed it out there! Now go home and get some well deserved rest. Yeah?" He told them cheerfully, everyone nodded, cheered and exchanged smug glances. They were all very happy they'd won. Except Miles. He didn't get a crap, all that was on his mind was Benny, Jamey and coming out.

Theo marched over to Miles and Ross, he didn't look as mad this time but still didn't look pleased with either of them.

"Just wanted to say Miles, good job on the first half. You fucked up the second half I can't lie, but you were crucial in our first two scores. We wouldn't have won without you mate" Theo told him bumping his shoulder lightly in a friendly manner.

"Thanks" Miles replied shortly not really caring what Theo thought.

"Ross, we need to work on strategy with you. Your defensive skill level is there but your strategy is way off. You need to learn to stick to your place" Theo said turning to Ross sternly.

Ross just gave him a thumbs turning away and taking his shirt off pulling a brown jumper out of his backpack.

"Wanna hang round at yours and play some video games or something?" Ross asked pulling his regular jumper on clumsily.

Miles smiled back at him trying to distract himself, a night of games with his best friend would be a perfect way to do that "Sure thing Ross" he answered pulling his shorts down and stepping out of them.

Once they were changed the pair left the locker room. Ross said goodbye to some of the other boys but Miles didn't bother, the parking lot was cold. The wind blew into their faces making Miles shiver slightly clambering into the car as quickly as he could.

"Get that heater on" Ross mumbled through chattering teeth. Miles obliged starting the engine allowing the car to fill with warm air. After a few minutes of just sitting in the parking lot getting warm. Miles then began the drive back home.

"Don't take what Theo told you to heart" He said to Ross quietly "he wants us to be perfect, but we're only human"

"Yeah" Ross replied with a yawn "That was the last game of the season too, so we can chill for a while now" he added a small smile flickering onto his face.

Miles hummed in agreement slowing down as he reached the bottom of his street, driving up to his house he spotted a hooded figure perched on his doorstep looking at the floor and shivering.

Backing into the drive Miles stepped out of the car slamming the door shut, the figure on the doorstep looked startled snapping his head up in surprise revealing his face.

It was Benny...

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