-24- Guilty Pleasure

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Miles had tossed and turned that night feeling insanely guilty for what he had done with Kai. He'd have much rather played a game like that with Benny, he felt awful he'd done it with another boy and agreed to it. Let alone ended up actually following through with taking his clothes off for Kai.

Deciding to try make it up to Benny without actually telling him what happened Miles popped to the store on the way to school picking up a posh, expensive chocolate bar for his boyfriend. He knew Benny would like it.

Disregarding the place his friends normally hung out before school Miles darted straight to the library, that was bound to be where Benny was hiding. He entered the library not spotting Benny. Deciding to wait for him he settled down at one of the tables.

After a few minutes of waiting Benny's red hair appeared at the door. Miles smiled waving over at him. Benny looked surprised to see him but trotted over returning the smile sweetly.

"H-h-hey" he whispered sitting down in front of Miles.

"Morning babe" Miles replied gesturing for Benny's hand, Benny hesitantly held it out. Miles lifted it kissing the back of his palm gently then flipping it over placing the expensive chocolate bar gently onto it.

Benny stared down at it looking even more surprised than he was to see Miles "F-for me?" He stuttered out his eyes widening inside his glasses.

"Of course. I thought you deserved it" Miles answered the guilt eating at him. He felt a bit better now he'd sort of apologised but still felt annoyed at himself for doing it in the first place.

"Y-y-your way t-too n-n-nice to me" Benny told him placing the chocolate bar gently into his bag.

"You deserve it" Miles repeated eyeing Benny's skinny frame up. He didn't deserve to be starved by his dad at all. He deserved whatever food he wanted whenever he wanted.

"I- I- I have a surprise f-for you too" Benny admitted a small smile forming on his face "o-our gym c-classes are m-merging today, m-my t-teachers ill"

Miles smirked an idea popping into his head. Maybe he could get Benny alone in the locker room and have an intimate moment with him, that way he'd feel better about what happened with Kai a and be able to make it up to Benny physically.

"Awesome, I'll make sure the guys don't bully you" Miles assured him gently. Benny nodded gratefully looking up shyly at Miles.

"D-don't be confused if you- if you see my a-arms a-and there's nothing t-there. I- I used concealer" he confessed looking ashamed of himself.

"That's okay babe, thank you for telling me that" Miles answered reassuringly taking Benny's hand and kissing it again.

The bell then screeched indicating lessons had begun. "I'll see you in gym then" Miles told Benny as they walked out the library parting ways.


Heading into the locker room Miles noticed the change immediately, his class was the higher set who were mostly comprised of football team members or the track team. The other class was everyone else. The nerds and boys who didn't really enjoy sports nor were athletic.

Spotting Benny on the far corner Miles walked past him slyly grabbing his gym socks whilst his back was turned. He needed a reason to be the last one left in the locker room with Benny.

He then proceeded to get changed sitting down to tie his laces. Looking around everyone else was filtering out the locker room. "Hurry up Miles, I haven't got all day" Ross moaned impatiently tapping his foot.

"You go ahead, I'll be out in a moment" Miles told him quietly, Ross nodded leaving the locker room along with the final few boys. That left Benny and Miles alone together. Picking up Benny's gym socks Miles paced up to him holding them up.

"Missing something?" He teased a grin spreads across his face as Benny looked up smiling slightly too.

"I- I- I was looking f-for those" he told Miles taking them from the taller boy.

Miles then pressed his lips to Benny's forcing the redhead backwards with a squeak, Benny broke away looking around the locker room anxiously "W-what if we- we get caught?" Benny questioned timidly.

"We won't, they've all gone to class. We'll only be 5 minutes" Miles reassured him leaning in again putting his hands round Benny's waist. He wanted nothing more than to rip the boys clothes off then and there but knew he had to take it slow.

Their lips pressed together again Benny as usual letting Miles overpower him, they crossed the locker room lips connected backing into a wall still kissing passionately. Miles put his hand up Benny's shirt lifting it slowly over his head. Benny looked down at his bare chest shyly as Miles ran his hand gently over Benny's ribs.

"You're so perfect" Miles whispered leaning into Benny's neck nipping it gently, Benny squeaked again then moaned in pleasure as Miles bit down slightly harder leaving a hickey in his wake. Benny smiled innocently at it allowing Miles to do it again.

Gripping Benny's gym shorts Miles pulled them down slowly. Benny gave no resistance allowing his shorts to descend to his ankles revealing a pair of light blue and white patterned boxers. Miles kissed Benny again allowing the boy to step out of his shorts as he kissed back grabbing the back of Miles.

Moles could see how excited Benny was just from a glance at the shape in his boxers. He was overpowering him every step of the way remaining completely dominant over the timid boy.

Miles began to tug at the waistband of Benny's boxers but the redhead stopped him shaking his head "N-not that far y-yet please, I-I'm not r-ready"

Letting go immediately Miles nodded "That's fine my love, thank you for telling me" he whispered back leaning in on Benny's neck again leaving another hickey on it. Benny moaned in satisfaction making Miles desperately want more.

He took his own shirt off discarding it on the floor as Benny watched in awe, then he dropped his shorts stepping out of them and practically pouncing back onto Benny. Benny giggled allowing Miles to touch him his hands travelling down into the boys boxers. Benny gasped in pleasure leaning into Miles bare chest struggling to contain himself as Miles began jerking him off.

Soon Miles felt warm liquid covering his hands and heard a sigh of satisfaction from Benny followed by another moan.

"T-that felt so- so g-good" Benny mumbled as Miles pulled his hand out with a smirk.

"Whenever you're ready to go further than that I will be too. I don't mind how long it takes for you to be comfortable" Miles assured him. He then allowed Benny to go into a cubical to clean up. Meanwhile Miles put his clothes back on sorting Benny's into a neat pile for when he returned.

He eventually came back looking ashamed of himself "W-was that- that weird?" He asked worriedly.

"No, it was great" Miles told him pressing a light kiss to his cheek, the bruises were beginning to slowly fade away now which Miles was happy about. He ran his hands over the hickeys scattered on Benny's neck proudly.

Benny nodded pulling his gym clothes back on hurriedly "Let's get to the gym then yeah cutie?"

Nodding again Benny followed him out of the locker and towards the gym hall.

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